SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

April 23, 2004

Former NFL Safety Is Killed in Afghanistan and Liberal Pukes Dirty His Good Name

Brave American sacrifices friends, family, fame and fortune in defense of this great nation.

On 23 Apr it was reported that former NFL Safety Pat Tillman was killed in Afghanistan. Tillman left his multimillion-dollar NFL career and joined the Army Rangers in 2002. Friends and family said he "needed to pay something back". Like many true Americans the events of 9/11 hit Tillman hard. Instead of sitting idly by Tillman did something about it. He served bravely in both Iraq and Afghanistan until his death in April '04. While Americans should pay tribute to all who serve, Pat Tillmans case is extraordinary. He gave up millions of dollars (3.6 million for 3 years) for the paltry pay of a soldier.

Some dickheads (for a lack of a better title) at the Portland Independent Media center (please notice that I did not provide a link, please read on) have chosen to slander his good name. They took an article from the Washington post, and not so cleverly re-titled it "Dumb Jock Killed in Afghanistan". Who are these ass holes that waste their freedom of speech on bashing the very people who provide that freedom?

Being the vocal American and Airman that I am I have made numerous attempts to post a comment on their site. In my endeavors I discovered that since I am a military Blogger they have blocked my IP address from posting comments. Chickenshits!! Not only are they afraid to serve they are also afraid to allow those who do the place to share their opinions. I ask all who read this to please visit their site (oh how it pains me to send traffic their way) and tell them exactly how you feel. Since I did not provide a link, as your efforts would be in vain, if you accesed there site from mine I instead ask everyone in the real world to go to this address(please cut and paste or type in your browser):

Tell these chickenshit, worthless, waste of flesh, pussy, bleeding heart, sons of bitches just exactly how you feel. Please take a moment to let these media whores know exactly what true patriots think of the filth they spew and what we all think of Pat Tillman and all who serve.

--Bless the troops

--Bless Pat Tillman

Posted by SlagleRock at April 23, 2004 12:22 PM

Went to their website - the caliber of people posting and their answers matches the stench of the reporting. I couldn't dignify their article with a reply of any kind. It's sick over there!

Posted by: betsy at April 25, 2004 02:37 PM

Hey, just thought you should know that portland indymedia allows anyone to post articles. Articles that violate the editorial policy are removed from the newswire, as the Tillman article was. However, the link remains up for accountability and transparency. Most likely, the story was posted by someone trying to discredit the site. It happens a lot, someone posting about how all US soldiers should be killed and such. Anyway, most people would consider me right-wing though I'm really a Libertarian not a Republican. No one agrees with everything on the indymedia sites, a lot of it is crap. But at least they recognized that the headline to that story was crap and dealt with it in their manner.

Oh yeah, and I'm not sure what you mean by "blocking your ip address". If your ip address was blocked other people's would not be, so if they followed the link they would have a different ip.

Posted by: occasional indymedia reader at April 27, 2004 01:44 PM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 01:47 PM
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