SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

April 27, 2004

Deserters (Chickenshits) from US Army are running to Canada

I am having a serious internal moral dilemma in writing this. I am so disgusted by the actions of two U.S. Army personnel (notice I will not refer to these two as soldiers as they simply do not deserve the title, Pat Tillman was a Soldier) that I needed to vent. On the other hand, I didn't want to give these two Clinton-like wussies more publicity.

After conducting a search of the web I decided that it would be more beneficial for me personally to express my feelings and thoughts on their misguided actions, as all of the bleeding hearts (especially in Canada) will provide them all the press they need anyway.

The desertion started in January of this year as Jeremy Hinzman, 25, a private first class with the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 82nd Airborne, arrived in Toronto on January 3 with his wife, Nga Nguyen, and their 21-month-old son, Liam. This desertion was followed with a second puss out when 18-year-old private Brandon Hughey left Fort Hood, TX for Canada in March. Although separate instances (as far as I know) both Hinzman and Hughey have one more thing in common, they are both cowards. They gave up all rights as Americans (in my opinion) when they decided to flee to Canada. That's right I said flee, these two are running scared. Afraid of being the men they signed up to be.

There are proper avenues a person can take if they have moral heartache with participating in a military action. There have been many, probably hundreds or thousands of people that have openly expressed their conscientious objection to a conflict. These conscientious objectors (CO) have proper channels they can go through that will not mean the end of their career or bring discredit upon themselves, their unit or this great nation.

I know of two people who requested not to deploy to Iraq and/or Afghanistan for personal reasons. Both are still proudly serving their country in support roles. Both have deployed in other situations. One served a full year in Bosnia. They didn’t run from their responsibilities in fear. They served when and where they could. Comparing Hinzman and Hughey to a true CO is a cop out.

If a person decides that they are a CO to a specific conflict, action or the military in general there are ways they can avoid deploying or get out if that is what is necessary. Instead of taking the cowardly avenue that both Hughey and Hinzman have chosen.

One point that certain media outlets have chosen to highlight is Hinzman is married and has a child. I am sure trying to pinpoint this fact as a valid motivation. Well boo freakin’ hoo hoo. I am married, I am a father, and soon I will have a second child. While I love my family more than anything in the world I would never run scared like a coward to avoid doing my duty. I have deployed on numerous occasions. Most recently I was deployed as part of Iraq Freedom. I desperately missed my family, but I knew how important I was to the war effort.

To me these two boys (certainly not men) must have joined the Army for all of the wrong reasons. As it unfolds I am sure there will be no mention of patriotism or a need to give something back. These two most likely joined for the bonus (cash paid to certain enlistee's) or "to get an education". Now that they have discovered that the military is serious and not the girl scouts they have chickened out.

I have had to restrain my need to "sling mud" as I am a true patriot; I am an Airman to the core. I have done my part for 9.5 years and I will continue to do my part until I am no longer able (be it death or forced retirement).

To Hughey and Hinzman I say this. Return to your units. Face the music. Be men and not cowards. Stand up, admit your mistakes and don’t take the Clinton way out!

Posted by SlagleRock at April 27, 2004 08:20 PM

I agree with you SR, Boo freaki'n Hoo...these two are DESERTERS in a time of war....They should pay the price for their cowardice prescribed under the UCMJ...I belive it's death by fireing squad?, or is it hanging?

I had read in a story somewhere that Hughey had said that he had joined the service to further his education; I ernestly belive that his last lesson should be what it feels like to have a bullet pierce his heart.

Posted by: delftsman3 at April 27, 2004 08:37 PM

They were not conscripts, they alone made the cowardly decision to leave their military service and the U.S.
President Bush should invoke an executive order revoking their citizenship making it clear that they or any other deserter is not welcome in the U.S. and that they will be tried, convicted and executed for desertion by the military if they re-enter the U.S. No more excuses, no more pardons. They are no longer my countrymen.

Posted by: Jack at April 28, 2004 11:22 AM

I agree Jack. They had other avenues to get out if they were afraid of doing what they were trained to do. I think they should definitely lose their US citizenship. Let Canada have them since they seem to think so highly of them.

Posted by: SlagleRock at April 28, 2004 12:50 PM

I think it's time for a group of civilians to bring their sorry asses back and present them, hog-tied to a rail, to the nearest military installation for prosecution and punishment.

I watched one of these clowns, Hinzman I think, walking around the streets of that city in Canada where he's some sort of media darling. Then I thought of the vile and vicious things being said at "progressive" and "enlightened" sites about a man who did the right thing, Spec. Tillman.

Yes. A group of civilians to pick him up and bring him back. No link to the government or the "Eeeee-vil Military" to be exploited by the tin-hatted moonbats and screaming intellectuals. Just normal, contientious folks doing the right thing.

Hell, I'd even kick in on the gasoline and duct tape.

Posted by: Mamamontezz at April 28, 2004 02:07 PM

I would have to agree those two are cowards in the truest sense of the word.I disagree with the comparison made to former president Clinton.The difference being that Clinton never made the commitment to serve.What Clinton did was no different than what V.P. Cheaney did.The V.P. requested and received five military deferments.Three to attend college,two as a husband and father.I wonder how many Fathers and Husbands have made the ultimate sacrifice for this great nation?Yes,there other ways to serve and other ways to avoid service.I will not judge another mans motives for not choosing to serve but dammit a commitment is a commitment.Thirty-three years ago,during the Viet Nam war I made a commitment to the U.S.Air force.Knowing full well that I may have to see duty in Nam.By the grace of God that didn't happen.Had it happened I assure I would have served proudly and not run to Canada like some Candy Ass,Snot Nosed kid.

Posted by: Bob Slagle at April 28, 2004 06:09 PM

Bob, you're almost right on the Clinton/Cheney comparison except for one small detail: Clinton did, in fact, make a committment.

Clinton was in the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) and reneged on his committment.

Nice to see you here and commenting, Big Guy.

Posted by: mamamontezz at April 28, 2004 09:35 PM

Thanks all for the inputs it is greatly appreciated. Special thanks to big bad Bob for his service in the 70's. There is no doubt in my mind that you would have kicked some ass and taken names if that is what was asked of you. Hoo Rah Air Force!

Posted by: SlagleRock at April 29, 2004 09:39 AM

Actually they're eligible for extradition... Canada wouldn't extradite draft-dogers during 'Nam because they won't extradite for crimes they don't recognize... and since they don't draft they don't recognize avoiding the draft as a crime. HOWEVER, these two little bastards VOLUNTEERED, and Canada DOES recognize desertion as a crime. I hope they spend the rest of their lives in Leavenworth if they don't face a firing squad.

Posted by: Mollbot at April 30, 2004 11:27 PM

This is why I AM AGAINST THE DRAFT - among one of many reasons. In the past SOME OF THOSE who are now making national policy proved themselves to be chickenhawks. I won't list names as I am trying to make a point, when I heard one congressman say that by drafting everyone then those in power would be careful because THEIR CHILDREN WOULD GO? he must be high, there will always be deferments or "PALACE GUARD" assignments in National Guard/Reserve units that will NEVER go overseas. I hate to be a cynic but just watch if we dont have another "AMNESTY" for those who deserted like when one of our presidents did so after vietnam.


Posted by: RAKKASAN DAVE at May 4, 2004 06:39 PM

oh how lovely, did anyone even bother to fully read these guy's situations? Both of these people tried many times to file for CO status, but they somehow got "lost". Whatever

Posted by: Q at May 20, 2004 04:31 PM


Not only did I read everything on these two chickenshits that I could, I have also been serving this country in the military for ten years. I can tell you first hand that regardless of branch of service and regardless of circumstances if either of these two little boys had a legitimate reason to not go, or where truly objectors and not chickenshits, it never would have come to this. As I said in the article, I know people who "object" to our actions in either Iraq or Afghanistan (or both) and all of those people are still on active duty fulfilling their voluntary, voluntary, (did I mention voluntary) contractual obligations.

SlagleRock Out!!

Stand Strong America!!!

Posted by: SlagleRock at May 21, 2004 10:01 AM

Can anybody find info on John Kerry. He was to be discharged from the Navy in 1972. on his web site it has his discharge date in 1978. Check his OCS contract, then his HD from reserves.

He should have done week end drills too (50 of them ) but he was to busy going to secret meetings with the NVA for that.

I think tricky Dick gave him a Dishonorable and Jimmy boy cleared it for him.

USN 73-77

Posted by: Bill Johnson at October 19, 2004 06:39 AM

I would like to find the 2004 list of deserters names. Does anyone know how I could aquire it?

Posted by: J at December 29, 2004 02:20 PM

These guys are funny. Their heads are in their asses but it's funny :-). The kind of mentality so well displayed on by these deserters is exactly the reason I sure as hell don't want to go overseas. Think people, think!!! Use the old noodle if ya got it.

Posted by: brandon romney at January 1, 2005 04:11 PM

What is more pathetic than the two subjects that fled our nation to canada, is the band of leftist cheerleaders who support their flight on the premise that they fled due to moral objections to a war that they (the fleeing cowards) feel is wrong. In essence what they are saying is that it is ok to be a traitor and a backstabber. In fact, that is what the two cowards did. After volunteering for military duty, they took an oath to defend our nation and obey the orders of the officers appointed over them. Their flight to canada is their way of taking a shit on America and all those who defend and die for her proudly both at home and on the front lines.

Posted by: G. Bretado at January 8, 2005 04:26 AM

....Instead where it is possible it is necessary to recover!! ...needs to create an unit of penality and rehabilitation and always ready for the first line. ..the name? ..."life or death" don't serve to throw the carbore in the river. ... it is better thrown in the fire. ..if you want that is useful! Know You what is the French Legion? ......During the WWII existed an unity
fighting developed a very efficente from the dreg of the German Army, the name:"Fallschirmjäger SS 500" SS/ Parachutists. .... A spear broken, is always a dreadful arm if well maneuvered..... Remember!
This is my opinion.


P.s. Sorry for my bad english!

God Bless America!

Posted by: HUGIN at February 17, 2005 03:29 PM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 01:46 PM
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