SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

May 07, 2004

SlagleRock Calls On John Kerry To Resign

OK, before I start this rant I have to share a dirty little secret. I subscibe to the Kerry campaigns email alerts. I do however, only subscribe because Kerry is his own worst enemy. I get all kinds of ammo from his "supporters". Here is the most recent email:

Donald Rumsfeld
must resign.

Dear Friend,

Over the past week we have all been shocked by the pictures from the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. But we have also been appalled at the slow and inept response by President Bush, which has further undermined America's credibility in the world and created new dangers for Americans in Iraq. George Bush must fire Donald Rumsfeld. But that is only a first step towards taking responsibility for his administration's failures in Iraq.

John Kerry has called on Donald Rumsfeld to resign, and today we're asking you to support him by adding your name to the call for Rumsfeld to resign here:

Here are my thoughts on that, F-you Kerry you nimrod! Big D Rumsfeld is good at what he does. Like GW he pulls no punches and cradles no bleeding hearts.

Our military is at its finest in the 10 years that I have been in. Military families can actually survive. We are no longer living paycheck to paycheck. I am not saying that we are adequately paid (whole different blog) but everyone from the president on down the chain of command have been more focused on our quality of life than slick Willy or anyone in his circus ever were.

Ok, back to my original thought.

Rumsfeld is no more responsible for the terrible actions of a few looney troops than I am for the invention of space travel. What kind of a world do we live in where a grunt halfway around the world humiliates (or worse) an enemy combatant and a politician is supposed to be held accountable? Rumsfeld didn't order sodomy. He didn't direct the troops to photograph the enemy in the nude. For Kerry to call for Rumsfeld’s resignation is just a democratic attack on the Republican Party.

This recent ploy is one more sign of the dems desperation.

I say to hell with Kerry!!

I call for Senator Kerry to resign!!

What’s next Hillary Clinton for VP?

Show your support for Secretary Rumsfeld and leave your comments here.

Posted by SlagleRock at May 7, 2004 10:48 PM

John Kerry needs to resign!!!!

Posted by: SlagleRock at May 7, 2004 10:50 PM

I wholeheartedly agree, and don't go appoligizing about alerts from Kerry's site, that falls under the "Know Thine Enemy" rule. They sure as hell are desperate, the witch hunt yesterday drove that point home.
I too demand Kerry's resignation.
I too demand Pelosi's resignation.
I too demand All the Kennedy's resignation especially the Toads.
I too demand the Idiot Rangle's resignation.

Thats for starters. All they do when they open their mouthes is spew forth oral excrement.

Posted by: Jack at May 8, 2004 01:24 PM

I have to agree.To ask for Rumsfeld to resign is no answer to a serious problem.The problem starts at the top,the only adequate resignation would be by "W".He has hurt this nations credibility more than any President since Lyndon Johnson.Even the disgrace brought upon this nation by Nixon pales in comparison.I agree,we needed to go into Iraq and take the pukeball out,but not for the reasons that motivated Bush.He had a poor plan going in and no plan for getting out.Kerry catches hell for speaking his mind.Unfortunately,many forget this is one of the many rights we fight to preserve.He has the right to speak his mind,even John McCain is outraged that the Republican party,his party would attack a decorated war hero.At least he did his time unlike some others who would attack his credibility just as they did that other hero,John McCain.I guess the ends justify the means.

Posted by: Bob Slagle at May 8, 2004 09:25 PM

I don't feel that a resignation by Bush is necessary, and I know that Rumsfeld shouldn't be the scapegoat. I think that there could have been a better way for us to handle Iraq, but I am near positive that if there had been a dem in the Whitehouse it never would have been handled until it was too late. This country couldn't handle a second 9/11, and I fear that is what will happen if the likes of a winter soldier supporter is running the most powerful military in the world. If people see a leader that will be afraid to use his military, the chance to embarrass the US would simply be too juicy for the terrorists of the world to pass up.

Posted by: SlagleRock at May 8, 2004 10:23 PM

Bob, Bob, Bob.

To begin with, John McCain is an opportunist who holds no loyalty to anyone but John McCain and the people of Arizona. Yes, he was a brave man who did his duty during a terrible war, and who's time in a North Vietnamese prison camp is to be looked upon with compassion and respect. But he, like our own Richard Lugar, has gotten too comfortable, too settled, and entirely too independent for the good of their own states. The Spousal Unit pooh-poohed the notion of McCain nuzzling up to the Donkey's Ass for a Veep nomination, but the more we see like his nutty ramblings on this, the more even he is persuaded that it is true.

You've done this before. You've dragged Airmen from local bars and locked them up at Loring. You've worked with people just like this. You understand that in every group of MP's you find one who thinks he's Buford Pusser or that Rod Steiger character from Heat of the Night. Even under the best of circumstances, with the best supervision these assholes can cause irreperable damage to relations off-post and on-post, and morale in the MP unit. But you and I both know that when this happens it is the fault of the officers immediately responisible for their leadership and supervision. Not the guy who's in charge of SAC, just because Loring was/is a SAC base.

Get some perspective, Bob. You're smarter and better informed than that, and we both know it.

Posted by: Mamamontezz at May 9, 2004 12:49 PM

I agree wholeheartedly.I am smarter and better informed.I also realize Bush is the most ill equiped man I have seen in the white house in the 42 years or so that I can remember.Bush is not smart enough to know when to take a leak without being told to.I realize my viewpoint isn't the popular one at this time but perhaps enough people will wise up in time to prevent this country from becoming a third world nation.I love the USA and don't want to stand by while one man bent on aggression tries to destroy it.We left Nam without accomplishing anything except getting many fine young men killed.I'm afraid one man is leading us down the same path in a different era.Heaven help us all.

Posted by: Bob Slagle at May 9, 2004 01:49 PM

We left Nam without accomplishing anything except getting many fine young men killed.

One MAJOR reason that we did that is because of the efforts of one man, Bob. That man is John Kerry. Source of that, you ask? How about the top general of the North Vietnamese Army! He stated that after Tet, they were just about ready to negotiate a true end to the war, but then they noticed that people like Kerry were winning the war for them over here, and all thay had to do was hang on just a while longer. He mentioned Kerry and and Hanoi Jane by name as the top two people that won the war for THEM.

Kerry catches hell for speaking his mind.

Yes, Kerry speaks his mind; unfortunately it seems that Mr. Kerry's mind is geared to whatever the latest poll has to say, OR whatever group he's speaking to is for. First he tell's the Auto Workers about all the great vehicles he owns,(mostly of the larger SUV type)Then he tells the western Sierra Club members he doesn't even own a vehicle! He voted for the $87Billion before he voted against it.

As to his service, I give him credit for being there....and thats ALL I give him credit for. And it seems that all but three of the people that served and/or supervised him agree with me.

And by his own admission, Kerry is a war criminal. He stated in his testimony that HE engaged in acts that under any definitions were war crimes; for him to start hollering about the Geneva Convention in this prison scandal would be hilarious if it weren't for the serious set back it has given us in trying to do what needs to be done in Iraq.

Kerry has publicly stated that HE would not use our troops except under the request/direction of the U.N. I for one vehemently oppose this attitude, and I would of thought that as an ex-AP, you would too.

As to the tired old meme that Bush is an idiot...riiiiight, Harvard gives MBA's to idiots. You may be able to buy a degree there now, but you certainly couldn't do so at the time that Bush attended.

Your side of the aisle stated that to go into Iraq would bring us Vietnam style causelties in days, we took the country in less than a month, and up to this date,have lost less than a weeks losses in Viet Nam. EVERY loss is a tragedy, but in war there are losses, and as wars go, this one has been "easy" on us thus far, causelty wise.

It's true that perhaps the occupation could be handled better, but hindsight is 20/20 isn't it. My feeling is that many of the problems we are having in the occupation is that we are treating the situation as if these were Westerners we're dealing with. They are NOT. We must overcome our squeemishness at power politics and use an iron fist in a velvet glove; so far we used the fist in the active war phase and only the glove in the occupation phase.

There is a lot more, but I have used enough of SR's bandwith, for which I humbly thank him.

I HAVE to rebut one other statement you made:
I love the USA and don't want to stand by while one man bent on aggression tries to destroy it.

I personally know how just how much you do love this country,Bob. Thats one reason I find some of your stances in politics incomprehensible.

There are men "bent on aggression", but it isn't G. Bush. We are at war on many other fronts than just Iraq and Afghanistan. were it not for the fact that President Bush realizes that fact and has the courage to act on his convictions, 9/11 would look like a minor incident. F.E.T.E.

Posted by: delftsman3 at May 9, 2004 04:17 PM

Delftsman,I'm sure they were.As you recall we lost more men at the Tet offensive than we did during the rest of the war.We couldn't win that war and if you believe we could have,it is just your American ego speaking.We were getting our asses kicked just like ther French did before us.It was time for us to get out.I guess it took someone who was there(Kerry) to realize that.I have heard way to many Nam vets echo that today and curse Bush for repeating the same mistake.I guess that is what makes this country great,we are allowed to disagree.Even if you are wrong.Someday you will see the light ,my independently wealthy friend.

Posted by: Bob Slagle at May 9, 2004 06:59 PM

Bob, the top enemy general admitted WE kicked their ass in TET. WE won every major battle in the war. The war was lost here at home by traitors like Hanoi Jane and war criminals like J effing Kerry. Militarily we would have won that war.

As for wealthy, if the damned DimocRats would keep their hands out of my pockets, I may someday be wealthy!

It's time for either a flat rate income tax, or a national sales tax, neither of which the Dims will allow, as it would take some of their vote buying power away.

Posted by: delftsman3 at May 9, 2004 08:16 PM

Bob, with no disrespect, Momamontezz is dead right about John McCain and Delftsman3 is entirely correct, his facts prove it. We won the battles but lost the war because the leaders gave up.
Unless you want to become a devout Muslim or have your head lopped off by a Muslim invader you need to look at the Muslim world and their goal of world domination and we do not fit into their plan. Forget the presidency, which Mullah do you want to kowtow to?

Posted by: Jack at May 9, 2004 10:01 PM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 01:45 PM
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