SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

June 12, 2004

Quotes From Ronald Reagan's Children During Burial Service

The Associated Press
Published: Jun 11, 2004

"Ron Reagan adopted me into his family in 1945. I was the chosen one. I was the lucky one. In all these years, he never mentioned that I was adopted either behind my back or in front of me. I was his son, Michael Edward Reagan." - Michael Reagan.

For more great quotes click on Continue reading, "Quotes From Ronald Reagan's Children During His Burial Service" -- SlagleRock

"Nearly at the onset of Alzheimer's disease, my father and I would tell each other we loved each other and gave each other a hug. As the years went by and he could no longer verbalize my name, he recognized me as the man who hugged him. So when I would walk into the house, he would be there in his chair, opening up his arms for that hug." - Michael Reagan.

"Dad, when I go, I will go to heaven, too. And you and I, and my sister Maureen ... we will dance with a heavenly host of angels before the presence of God, we will do it melanoma and Alzheimer's free." - Michael Reagan.

"I know that at his last moment, when he opened his eyes, eyes that had not opened for many, many days, and looked at my mother, he showed us that neither disease nor death can conquer love." - Patti Davis.

"He used to say, 'A gentleman always does the kind thing.' And he was a gentleman in every sense of the word - a gentle man. ... Dad treated everyone with the same unfailing courtesy." - Ron Reagan Jr.

"He is home now. He is free. In his final letter to the American people, dad wrote, 'I now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life.' This evening, he has arrived. - Ron Reagan Jr.

Posted by SlagleRock at June 12, 2004 06:21 AM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 01:40 PM
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