SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

July 10, 2004

John Kerry's Wife

John Kerry's Wife

Do you find it strange that Kerry's wife is never with him?
Do you find it strange that you never hear any thing about her?
This may be why!

As time goes on, we're just getting to know the possible future
First Lady of the United States of America, and it is quite interesting.
You'll be hearing even more about Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of Democratic

She has quite a track record, especially when it comes to the causes
she donates to. One of her favorite charities is the Tides Foundation.

What is that, you ask?
This foundation sends hundreds of millions of dollars to groups that
protested the invasion of Iraq; that demands open U.S. borders; and
provides legal defense for suspected terrorists. Among other groups supported by
Kerry's wife: Ramsey Clark's International Action Center. This is the same
Ramsey Clark that offered to defend Saddam Hussein.

Another group seeks to ease restrictions on immigration from
terrorist nations. Another group has links to the terrorist group Hamas. And on and on.
John F. Kerry and his wife Teresa Heinz-Kerry OUTSOURCE American jobs!

We need to ask:
Why not manufacture in America and ship finished products overseas?
How many American workers are in these Heinz overseas factories?

HEINZ WATTIE'S AUSTRALASIA - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
HEINZ SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. - Republic of Singapore
HEINZ WATTIE'S LIMITED - Auckland, New Zealand
HEINZ JAPAN LTD - Tokyo, Japan
HEINZ-UFE LTD. - Guangzhou, People's Republic of China
HEINZ COSCO - Qingdao, People's Republic of China
HEINZ KOREA LTD. - Inchon, South Korea
HEINZ WIN CHANCE LTD. - Bangkok, Thailand
PT HEINZ ABC INDONESIA - Jakarta, Indonesia
PT HEINZ SUPRAMA - Surabaya, Indonesia
HEINZ UFC PHILIPPINES - Manila, the Philippines
H. J. HEINZ (Botswana) (Proprietary) LTD. - Gaborone, Botswana
REFINED OIL PRODUCTS (Pty) LTD. - Gaborone, Botswana
OLIVINE INDUSTRIES (Private) LIMITED - Harare, Zimbabwe
CHEGUTU CANNERS (Pvt) LTD. - Chegutu, Zimbabwe
HEINZ SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD. - Johannesburg, South Africa
HEINZ WELLINGTON'S (PTY) LTD. - Wellington, South Africa
HEINZ EUROPE - Hayes, Middlesex, England
H. J. HEINZ COMPANY LIMITED - Hayes Park, Hayes, Middlesex, England
H. J. HEINZ COMPANY LIMITED - Telford, England
JOHN WEST FOODS LIMITED - Liverpool, England
H. J. HEINZ FROZEN & CHILLED FOODS LIMITED - Hayes, Middlesex, England
H.J. HEINZ COMPANY OF CANADA LTD - North York, Ontario, Canada
OMSTEAD FOODS LIMITED - Wheatley, Ontario, Canada
ALIMENTOS HEINZ C.A. - Caracas, Venezuela
HEINZ ITALIA S.r.l. - Milan, Italy
FATTORIA SCALDASOLE, S.p.a. - Monguzzo, Italy
HEINZ POLSKA Sp. Z.O.O. - Warsaw, Poland
PUDLISZKI S.A. - Pudliszki, Poland
WODZISLAW, S.A. - Wodzislaw, Poland
ETS. PAULET S.A. - Douarnenez, France
H. J. HEINZ FROZEN S.A.R.L. - Paris, France
HEINZ IBERICA S.A. - Madrid, Spain
IDAL (Industrias de Alimentacc, Lda. ) - Lisbon, Portugal
MIEDZYCHOD S.A. - Miedzychod, Poland
HEINZ C.I.S. - Moscow, Russia
HEINZ GEORGIEVSK - Georgievsk, Russia
H. J. HEINZ GMBH - Dm2 m3%ldorf, Germany
HAK BV - The Netherlands
FOODMARK - The Netherlands
H. J. HEINZ B.V . - Elst, The Netherlands
H. J. HEINZ BELGIUM S.A. - Brussels, Belgium
SERV-A-PORTION - Turnhout, Belgium
Arimpex Industrie Alimentari S.R.L. - Rovereto, Italy
Comexo S.A. - Chateaurenard, France
HEINZ EUROPE - UK and IRELAND - Factories: Chorley, Fakenham,
Kendal, Kitt Green, Leaminton, Luton, Okehampton, Telford, Westwick

Think of the conflict of interest a President would have who's wife
owns business interests in all of these countries.... I don't think John
Kerry's Vietnam service is going to make people look the other way on this stuff.


Thanks again to Jack for this find!

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at July 10, 2004 10:37 PM

I respect John Kerry's wife, because she is an environmentalist and at least she is doing something good, by trying to take care of the Earth. Which, beleive it or not, is the most important issue today. I want my child and his children to grow up in an environment where they are able TO BREATH FRESHAIR and EAT HEALTHY, NUTRITIOUS FOOD, that is not grown in nutrient-less, artificially fertalized soil and is not sprayed with numerous chemilcals and pesticides. WE NEED TO TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES, OUR EARTH, AND OUR FUTURE. At least she is not ignorant to that fact.

Posted by: JESS at July 21, 2004 04:30 PM

my friends mom told me that she read somwhere that Kerry's wife was donating money to AL QUEDA. im really confused. i think Kerry has great ideas, and i like his views, and if he does become president, are we going to be screwed over because his wife is a phsyco path?

Posted by: michelle at August 1, 2004 12:06 PM

Teresa Heinz Kerry is a very strong women, weak men have trouble with that. You can't believe all the far right propaganda, that is out there. They also use a lot of Chaney's words to get their point across, their command of the English Language is sorely lacking.

Posted by: Norma at August 15, 2004 04:34 PM

Strong Woman? Do you know her personally, because I have more than just propaganda proving her distasteful actions reguarding the groups she has chosen to support. I certainly don't think she is a good example to use as a strong woman. Money is the only thing backing that woman and her family up!

Posted by: Reed at August 31, 2004 12:51 PM

I love this thread of comments. Funny how a woman is proven to be nothing but rich trash and it upsets people. In the first comment, we have Jess the clueless tree hugging hippy. Hello dumbshit, just because Kerry's wife gives to environmental groups doesn't make her a good person. Charles Manson was all about the environment, would you elect him to public office or his spouse (hypothetically) is she were running.

Then we have Michelle who is clearly a young person. I think it is great when children get involved, afterall it is their future. However, yes Michelle Kerry getting elected would be a huge conflict of interest seeing how he has close personal ties to numerous companies overseas.

Then there is Norma. Norma, Norma, Norma what are you 80? Are you confused Grandma? Since you grew up in a time that woman weren't always granted equality is your idea of a Strong Woman one who is filthy rich? Get a clue granny she didn't earn that money, her Daddy left it to her when he died. She is nothing but a psycho leftist bitch who supports all things evil.

Finally Reed, thank the gods for Reed, someone with an ounce of common sense.

Wake up people, Kerry is a liar, and a thief and his old lady is nothing more than a terrorist supporting rich Bitch.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by: SlagleRock at September 1, 2004 08:27 AM

Taking care of the Earth is the most important in the world today?

Forget about starvation, orphans, widows, drugs, murders, crime, the war in Iraq, homosexual marriage, and sexual immorality on every TV station but Public TV...

The Earth is dirty! An I am a Tree Hugging Hippie Who is Out of Touch with Reality

Posted by: Andrew Parks at September 16, 2004 10:28 PM

I didn't like the way Mrs. Kerry made an ass of herself going after that reporter & telling him to "shove it".(anybody remember that?) She looked & acted like a nasty little bull dog. (no offense to dogs.) Okay, the rest of us can get away with that kind of behavior, but isnt a possible first lady supposed to.....act like a lady??? I wonder what state dinners at the white house would be like-maybe Mrs.Kerry could run that big yap-hole of hers & manage to insult a few heads of state, ect. Not like enough people worldwide already hate the U.S. I can't help but look at the actions & personalities of candidates spouses.The first lady can have a lot of influence-for bad or good. I don't trust Theresa Kerry. There is nothing endearing her to the public.

Posted by: Mrs. Moran at September 19, 2004 08:32 PM

Thank the lord! Finally someone has mentioned that John Kerry's wife supports terrorist groups in Iraq, I have been trying to get people to understand that. Why would we want a president whos wife supports goups like the ones that killed so many is New York? Have we all completely forgoten about 9-11 and everything we wanted to do to those terriost groups?

Posted by: Rechelle at September 22, 2004 05:49 PM

I like Teresa. I do not have any respect for Mrs Bush simply because of who she married.

Posted by: john at October 6, 2004 07:02 PM

John wrote, "I like Teresa. I do not have any respect for Mrs Bush simply because of who she married."

In other words, I like a lying whore and her back stabbing husband. I do not have any respect for Mrs. Bush simply because she married a true patriot.

John my friend, you are an idiot.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by: SlagleRock at October 6, 2004 09:28 PM

Ben! Take a breath chief. We get ya. Hey, anybody notice Sistah Teresa has been allocated to Speaking gigs in Texas and New York State? Ponder this. Not exactly swing vote states are they? In other words, they know she and her boca raton, if it hasnt' already turned her current hubby's presidential aspirations into expirations, can still blow it badly for him. *Though he is still probably the best candidate her money can buy), so they cut their losses by sending her where she can fulfill the Hypocritic (oops) Hypocratic oath while doctoring the facts. "First, do no harm." In Texas, it won't make any difference. In New York, same thing.

Posted by: Hey Vern at October 11, 2004 01:14 AM

SlagleRock? Who are you? And who are the rest of these people? I think you may need to make some real friends and stop caring what other people think. Go ahead and vote for Bush, as we know you want to. Good for you. Great decision. But seriously, what do the rest of us care what you do, what you think, or who you are? Especially if you can't communicate without hating other people, there's really no point to anything you say. People will believe what they want to believe. We're all going to die in the end and I hope you leave something behind that others won't despise. As for John Kerry, I don't know why so many people are hung up on how someone looks. Look at what you're saying and enjoy the rest of that beer.

Posted by: Voice at October 12, 2004 05:02 AM

Voice is it? Ye who posted a fake name and fake email address. How cowardly a thing to do. Who is SlagleRock you ask? Read the bio post nimrod. As for your whiney complaints I'll say this. First, over 13,000 people (in less than 6 months mind you) have cared what I have to say (See Sitemeter). Second. I have plenty of friends. Like any normal person, I have close friends and mere acquaintances and my opinions as posted on this site don't bother any of our relationships. As you should already know since you have read this blog (and likely bothered other conservative bloggers in the past) this is an online journal, a place for the owner/author to post or write whatever they wish. Had you taken the time to read my sites FAQ and Rules of Engagement you would realize that I don't care what you think. Also, if you don't like my site don't read it. I don't need ignorant fools to waste my bandwidth by posting their garbage opinions. As for enjoying the rest of my beer, I may. I have defended this country for ten years now. The least I'd say I deserve is a beer. Grow some balls voice, don't hide behind fake names or fake email addresses and get angry because educated America doesn't fall for the lies of the left.

Bush-Cheney '04

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by: SlagleRock at October 12, 2004 02:33 PM

why is it that the left doesnt know when to keep its mouth shut? t. heinz kerry recently said bush sent "our boys and girls" to die for oil. is she an idiot??? oh wait, yes she is. this war was to pevent further harm to our country and iraq (lets not forget the iraqis as the dems like to) and i believe also to make a statement to the entire middle east, not for oil. and also HER HUSBAND voted to send our troops who mind you, voluntarily signed up for service. it is sad that they die but they knew what they were getting themselves into. i think the idiotic left needs to open their eyes shut their mouths and concede to a real leader:G.W! btw laura bush is one of the greatest first ladies ever, if she ran for pres id vote for her in a heartbeat. t.h. kerry is an ass, hey so is john what a suprise!!

4 more years!


Posted by: leftcrusher at October 13, 2004 05:43 PM

Kerry is amazing and really cares about the middle class. Bush is a stupid ass hole who got a DUI, didn't go to war for our country (but has no problem sending others to war just so his friends can make more money),and can't even speak English. Did you see the debates? He can't even conjugate basic verbs. There is missles...please Bush. How can you vote for someone who is racist and thinks he is put in the White House by God? Its sick. Bush lies, he says we can't get prescription drugs from Canada because they aren't safe...are Canadians dying? And it takes 4 years to test them? Sorry you lied again, you are just protecting your rich drug company owning friends? And as for the terrorists which you called "evil group of folks" (Bush we aren't back in Texas eating cherry pie at a county fair) we are chasing the wrong country! Good thiing you caught the right guy...oh right you were on vacation for 47% of your first year in office so you didn't even know what was going on....good think over 1000 Americans have died in Iraq and 200 billion dollars spent on the WRONG WAR! Bush you are just too stupid to be president as the last 4 years has shone so just go back to Texas where you can be a stupid ass hole and not bother anyone.
KERRY EDWARDS hope is on the way.

Posted by: Jade at October 19, 2004 05:20 PM

Kerry is amazing and really cares about the middle class. Bush is a stupid ass hole who got a DUI, didn't go to war for our country (but has no problem sending others to war just so his friends can make more money),and can't even speak English. Did you see the debates? He can't even conjugate basic verbs. There is missles...please Bush. How can you vote for someone who is racist and thinks he is put in the White House by God? Its sick. Bush lies, he says we can't get prescription drugs from Canada because they aren't safe...are Canadians dying? And it takes 4 years to test them? Sorry you lied again, you are just protecting your rich drug company owning friends? And as for the terrorists which you called "evil group of folks" (Bush we aren't back in Texas eating cherry pie at a county fair) we are chasing the wrong country! Good thiing you caught the right guy...oh right you were on vacation for 47% of your first year in office so you didn't even know what was going on....good thing over 1000 Americans have died in Iraq and 200 billion dollars spent on the WRONG WAR! Bush you are just too stupid to be president as the last 4 years has shone so just go back to Texas where you can be a stupid ass hole and not bother anyone.
KERRY EDWARDS hope is on the way.

Posted by: Jade at October 19, 2004 05:21 PM

Jade, Jade, Jade, you were doing good until you started with the ass holes. You can only use ass hole in a comment so many times before you start looking like the ass hole. See what I mean.

Again at the Slaughterhouse I invite intelligent debate on all sorts of issues.

Please all, on both sides, try and keep it intelligent and worth arguing your points. Don't discredit yourself with sensless profanity.

Oh and one more thing, next time you only need to post your comment once.


SlagleRock Out!

Posted by: SlagleRock at October 19, 2004 09:55 PM

I just went to see John Kerry speal tonight and he is such an articulate and charismatic speaker. He doesn't use any notes and has all his thoughts in his head which truly proves his intelligence. Bush however, uses notes and still messes up his speaches. For example he said (while reading from a sheet of paper) "I am happy to annouce that we have a non-volunteer army and will continue to have a non-volunt-" Realizing he messed up and looking awkwardly and embarased around says, "let me rephrase that..." Kerry is such a good speaker which the debates can attest to and Bush is such an awkward one fumbling for words and trying to rememeber what he was told to say because for certain he can't form a coherant thought of his own.
KERRY EDWARDS 2004, Hope is on the way!
5 more days to a fresh start

Posted by: Jade at October 27, 2004 09:16 PM

First of all Jade, this post was about John Kerry's dirty thief of a wife and all the horrible things she supports and how the company her father worked so hard to build has been outsourced overseas.

Second I don't care how well a person remembers something, that is not a sign of intelligence. A savant can remember entire manuals of information and not have clue one what any of it means. On the flipside, forgetfullness is not a sign of stupidity. Hell, you forgot what post you were commenting on, does that make you stupid?

Remember this, car salesmen are smooth talkers. Most criminals are smooth talkers. I wouldn't put too much faith in a mans ability to remember his own lies.

Go ahead and waste your vote on Kerry.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by: SlagleRock at October 27, 2004 09:34 PM

First of all, let's just acknowledge what you already know: America is a country which still has a race problem, to put it nicely. Al Gore would be president today had thousands of African Americans not had their right to vote stolen from them in Florida in 2000.
In Ohio, the Republicans are sending almost 2,000 paid "poll challengers" into the black precincts of Cleveland in an attempt to stop African Americans from voting. This action is beyond despicable. Do not let this stop you from voting. I, and thousand of others, will be there to fight for you and protect you.

To George W.:

I know it's gotta be rough for you right now. Hey, we've all been there. "You're fired" are two horrible words when put together in that order. Bin Laden surfacing this weekend to remind the American people of your total and complete failure to capture him was a cruel trick or treat. But there he was. 3,000 people were killed and he's laughing in your face. Why did you stop our Special Forces from going after him? Why did you forget about bin Laden on the DAY AFTER 9/11 and tell your terrorism czar to concentrate on Iraq instead?
There he was, OBL, all tan and rested and on videotape (hey, did you get the feeling that he had a bootleg of my movie? Are there DVD players in those caves in Afghanistan?)
Speaking of my movie -- can I ask you a personal question before we part ways for good on Tuesday? Why did you and your friends fund SIX "documentaries" trashing me -- but only ONE film against Kerry? C'mon, he was the candidate, not me. What a waste of your time and resources! Sure, I know what your pollsters told you, that the film had convinced some people to vote you out. I just want you to know that that was not my original intent. Funny things happen at the movies. Hope you get to see a few at the multiplex in Waco. It's a great way to relax.

Michael Moore

Posted by: Michael Moore at November 1, 2004 01:40 PM

When Kerry asked Clinton what he and Bush had in common he said,"We'll both be former Presidents on Tuesday."

See you at Kerry's victory party tomorrow night!


Posted by: Wess at November 1, 2004 06:55 PM

Lets see how SlagleRock gets wound up in his own net of hypocracy. Here are some quotes,
"Again at the Slaughterhouse I invite intelligent debate on all sorts of issues."
And then says,
"you forgot what post you were commenting on"

So if you really want people to be able to discuss "all sorts of issues" you shouldn't belittle someone making a point.


Posted by: Jade at November 1, 2004 07:00 PM

Look who won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flip Flop no more
Gee I wonder why? Because most of America isn't stupid enough to believe the bs Kerry/Edwards and his wife were trying to sell.

I ask you if they were such "enviromentalists" why does THK drive 3 count them 3 huge SUVs?

Also who does it serve when you lose your right to know if your minor daughter has or is looking to have an abortion?

Who does it serve when your daughter would have been able to get the morning after pill in school. This pill isn't safe there have been girls that have died from taking this pill.

Who does it serve when John Kerry was one of the few to vote against the unborn victims of violent crime bill?? The people that commit those crimes,
I would love for John Kerry to have gone to a funeral for a woman and her baby who were shot to death in their home the week the baby would have been born and then to see the baby girl in the casket held by her mother and there was only one victim what are you smoking??

Also I have worked with Millionaires (and no its not as a housekeeper) and trust me the last thing on their minds is the middle class. Middle class makes up most of the USA so of course he is going to act like he cares about them.

Also if the list above about the Heinz Company didn't touch u about jobs being moved abroad what will??

Posted by: Wake up at November 4, 2004 04:18 PM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 01:26 PM
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