SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

July 13, 2004

Clit-on Has An Opinion (Does Anybody Give A Damn?)

Although the Bush administration believes former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was an inherent threat to the Mideast, going to war in Iraq has not aided the Middle East peace process, former President Clinton told CNN in a recent interview.

Take a look at

Billary Clit-on thinks that the liberation of Iraq won't aid in the quest for peace in the Middle East.

How can this be? How can it not help to free an oppressed people? Did it not help the people of Europe when the American led allies kicked the shit out of Hitler's boys?

How can you say that the invasion and subsequent liberation of one of the most (if not the most) oppressed nations on earth won't aid in the peace process in the Mid East?

Democracy is like a virus (a very good virus mind you) with no cure. Pick any formerly Communist/Socialist or general dictatorship and look how its freedom and move to democracy has spread to the nations around it!

A truly free nation is a happy nation, a secure nation and a nation that will fight for its freedoms. Look at the US, we have millions of people who would make the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedoms and ensure that generations of Americans to come will know what it is like to live free. I believe that one day Iraq may understand this type of freedom. Yes, they have a long arduous road ahead, but the road to freedom will spread to surrounding nations. Ultimately only free nations will survive.

I don't agree with Bubba on this one.

Sorry Bill, I think you are wrong.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at July 13, 2004 04:19 PM

Same old party line from the new national socialist party, he has never had to give up some of his freedom to help someone else gain theirs. I for one am glad we've got an American in the White House instead of one of those left wing appeasers. He should go to France to build his legacy, maybe Michael Moore can do a Biography on him there.

Posted by: Jack at July 13, 2004 08:02 PM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 01:24 PM
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