SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

September 10, 2004

Remember 9/11: Stop Sanitizing The Killers

Michelle Malkin offers a great OpEd on the media and its relationship with terrorism.

Here is an excerpt:

The third anniversary of Sept. 11 is upon us. We remain at war -- and the media remains in denial.

How many times have you picked up a newspaper and read about terrorist attacks perpetrated not by Muslim terrorists, but by generic "militants" or "guerrillas" or "rebels" or, as Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes noted the Pakistan Times called them, "activists"?

Contrast the media whitewashing of our Islamofascist enemies with the press coverage of the Waco, Texas, siege in 1993 -- which constantly reminded us that David Koresh and his Branch Davidian followers were members of a "peculiar religious sect" (New York Times, March 3, 1993) and "a group of religious zealots with a known propensity for violence" (Washington Post, March 2, 1993) who were steeped in a "culture of Christian extremism" (San Francisco Chronicle, April 20, 1993).

To read the entire post click here.

Sometimes it is just best to leave an opinion or article alone. Michelle as always has done a stellar job.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at September 10, 2004 08:30 AM

Look at what 8 years of Bill Clinton, Janet Reno and the FBI accomplished for the U.S. , it begs the question. Who were the terrorists, who were the killers?
For Example:
David Koresh and almost 100 other men, women, and children perished in a raging inferno that should never have happened and would never have happened if the FBI, President Clinton, and Janet Reno had not acted in such a needless, senseless, irrational, inhumane, immoral, unconscionable, and reprehensible way by assaulting the Branch Davidian home with tanks and chemical weapons.
What's scarier is that John Kerry and his band are not above using force to impose their will upon the people.

Posted by: Jack at September 10, 2004 10:17 AM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 01:01 PM
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