SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

November 21, 2004

How To Be A Coward

I was looking at some of the comments left on my site in the last couple of days and one of the individuals commenting left the URL to a website called Educate - Yourself.

So, like any good blogger, I clicked the link to see what a reader has left me. What I find is a really poor web design with a ton of senseless babble.

This particular link led to an article called, Dodge The Draft? Refuse To Volunteer.

In the article the author gives his opinion on a few ways to be a coward. In other words he offers options that he believes would prevent a person from being drafted into the military.

For example:

Being willing (and eager) to fight for one's country when it is truly in danger is one thing. Having the courage to refuse to fight in immoral and/or unconstitutional "wars" is quite another matter, I believe. ICE No need to "dodge" the ball if they're not allowed to hit you with it, if you merely 'take your stand' and refuse to VOLUNTEER!

1. Mr. A receives a "draft notice" and is told to report on a certain date to a certain place where he receives his physical and mental tests...then he
is classified with a number indicating whether he is A1(first called)...all the way down to 4F(unfit for duty).

2. Mr.A is told that he is to report for "induction" into the military and to appear at a certain military base for that purpose on a date specified.

3. By "LAW" he must appear there...or a warrant for his arrest will be issued.

4. Assuming he reports as directed he will have another brief physical and tests and then is told to "line up on the yellow line (painted on the floor)

5. A Recruiting Officer will then tell all those "joining the army (or whatever)to take one step forward...(Oh, oh, THOSE WHO DID THIS JUST
"VOLUNTEERED!")This is done so that no one can "legally" claim they were "forced into involuntary servitude!" "RAISE YOUR RIGHT HAND AND SWEAR ALLEGIANCE." (almost everyone does!...thinking it must be REQUIRED!): "I, (name) do solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America and will defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic, and will obey the orders of the President and the officers appointed over me, so help me God."

6. Those who "voluntarily" stepped forward CANNOT NOW CLAIM THEY WERE"DRAFTED"...they stepped forward voluntarily and took the Oath voluntarily!

7. Assume Mr. B was smarter than Mr. A and HE DID NOT STEP FORWARD ANDTHEREFORE DID NOT TAKE THE OATH OF ALLEGIANCE. (the recruiter will probably say something like this: "what's the matter with you, don't you know what' step forward' means?" Mr. B responds, "sure I do, but I AM NOTVOLUNTEERING TO SERVE IN THE MILITARY...If you want me you must 'take me' against my will by force!"

8. All of those who "volunteered" will now be excused from the room...and the Mr. B will be cajoled with persuasive first...then, when
nothing works to change his mind he will be called names and insulted, possibly even assaulted by one or more military people present there as

9.IF Mr. B does not weaken, stands his ground, eventually the tormentors will give up and have him arrested on some charge. However, there is NO
lawful way that they can MAKE him go into the military...because of the Constitutional prohibition against "involuntary servitude"...which is why NO

Now that I’ve printed these "instructions" on how to be a coward here is what I think.

First, short of World War III I don't believe there will ever be a draft. Our all-volunteer force is the best trained, best equipped, best educated armed force the world has ever seen.

We have proven that we are capable of waging war on more than one front all the while having the reserves to kick ass here at home should some nation be dumb enough to bring it to US soil.

The volunteer force wouldn't want to work with non-volunteers any more than the cowards would want to work with real Soldiers, Sailors, Airman or Marines.
(Don't get your drawers in a bunch I acknowledge that there have been countless great service members who are drafted. When I refer to cowards I refer to those who try to snake out of their responsibilities.)

Second, I think anyone who attempts to aid the enemy by teaching Americans how to chicken out of their duties should be tried for treason.

Anyone interested in telling the web host what they think of the garbage he published?

Here is the contact information from the website:

Contact person: Ken Adachi
Voice Mail: (949) 726-5098

If anyone contacts him and he is brave enough to return your call, let me know what he says.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at November 21, 2004 11:36 AM

Next thing you'll see is instructions on fragging your superiors. There will be no draft until the Donks are back in power, and by that I mean both houses AND the White House.

Yet another reason to start amping up for 2008.

Posted by: Mamamontezz at November 21, 2004 01:10 PM

I agree Mama, a draft really is a last resort. GW said no to a draft and I believe he is a man of his word. All hell would have to break loose for a draft to be considered by this administration.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by: SlagleRock at November 21, 2004 03:24 PM

What these people need is some wall-to-wall counciling. Some people's kids.

Posted by: Ruth at November 21, 2004 06:01 PM

Straight from my random rotating comment bar:

Bender: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm not going to fight! I'm a conscientious objector!
Fry: A what?
Bender: You know, a coward.


Posted by: Mollbot at November 22, 2004 08:04 PM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 02:04 PM
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