SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

December 31, 2004

I've Decided To Feed This Loon To My Readers

**UPDATE** Vickie Hugo as this assmunch has called him/herself has been chewed up and shit out by Lord Spatula I over at the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler. Take a look at Spats Fisk of this morons comments about our actions in Iraq, our President and chickenshit deserters.

I received this garbage as a comment on this post.

Response to Mr Oliver North's recent editorial:

Mr North criticizes Pablo Paredes and states that his acts are acts of cowardice and shame. He also complains that the media has chosen to cover this and many other related stories and do not cover the actual heroic feets of those in battle.

Cowardice: Mr. North how brave is it to invade a third world country, kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, destroy full towns, commit the human rights violations (with the prisoners) that we claim to have removed Saddam from power for, etc.? Where is the bravery in putting our young men in a position where they need to kill innocent, unarmed, injured civilians? And surely we all see a great deal of bravery in our president's service to the military. Why don’t the very brave senators and congressmen in support of the war send their own sons and daughters to fight for this their "righteous" cause?

Deciding to stand up for life, for justice, for humanity is far from being cowardice Mr. North. It is probably one of the greatest acts of patriotism and citizenship.

As a technician on defense system that is yet to actually be used in a combat situation, Pablo Paredes stood little to no danger himself. However, the thousands of Marines that were being transported would be going into harms way, forced to fight a cruel and unjust war. Perhaps hundreds of them will not return home alive and perhaps they will be forced to contribute to inflicting further inhumane and irreparable damage to the Iraqi people. This is something Pablo's conscience could not accept.

As a member of the military, you have not only the right, but the obligation to disobey illegal and immoral orders. The Iraq war is clearly both. Our leadership claimed before us and the world community that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and was a threat to freedom. We are halfway done destroying the country and still not even a hint of the potential of being close to evidence that suggests it. In addition, there are still no identified ties between 911, Al Qaeda and Iraq. So why are we waging war there? Why are we sacrificing the lives of our young men? And more importantly, why are we doing it against the will of the American people? Virtually all polls show that half, or slightly more than half, of the population does NOT support the US decision to go to War. These same polls show constant decline in the approval ratings for the management of the war, or they directly disapprove of it. Kindly take a moment to see these figures at:

There is absolutely no shame in standing up for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our principles state that everyone has the right to these 3 things. We currently have taken it upon ourselves to deprive the Iraqi people of all three. Since the inception of the war, over 5,500 servicemen have deserted. Are we to assume that there are 5,500 crazy cowards who joined the military or perhaps should we begin to entertain the thought that this war is wrong, illegal, immoral and cruel? This year suicide rates among the Marines have reached record highs, again she we assume they too are crazy cowards, or should we question the righteousness of our actions in Iraq? Better yet, should we assume that half this country consists of crazy, shameful cowards or should we ask our leadership in what math text book did they get the algebraic formula that says to hard headed leaders = a COALITION of the willing? Or even yet, maybe we should ask what is it they were willing to?

I must say for a conservative majority that supposedly voted Bush back into to office due to "moral" issues, you all sure have an interesting disregard for human life. Abortion not okay, but killing hundreds of thousands of civilians is your way of providing "enduring freedom". Back when I was in school, the word used for such murder in masses was genocide. Invading a country solely for economic gains was called imperialism. I guess I must have been absent the day they taught that genocide + imperialism = enduring freedom. Then again, I was never very good at math.

Your complaint about the media attention is also quit frankly foolish. The news is FILLED with recounts of heroic feats such as those of the New York gentleman who had a limb blown off by a grenade launcher and was replaced by another soldier who unfortunately was killed shortly after. The young brave newyorker said his biggest suffering was not that he had lost a limb but that he now had to live with the fact that someone died in his place. In fact if you did indeed take the time to actually do that google search for giggles, you would notice that the majority of your findings are blog stuff 100% against Pablo's actions. Actual news coverage has not been so dramatic as you claim.

Besides, with so much dissent for this war and its inhumanity, the media has an obligation to cover that dissent. When half the nation is against the war, the media must listen to that side of the story.

Let me end by saying that the young men and women currently serving in the War are indeed brave in my eyes. Those young folks sacrifice their lives with the FAITH that their country is doing the right thing. God Bless them. I have nothing against them. But we are betraying their faith in us by having them commit cruel, inhumane acts of aggression. And it is also brave, unselfish and patriotic to take a stance (at great personal risk) to say this is wrong. Waging war is wrong. Cruelty and inhumanity is wrong. This great country went from having a secretary of war to a secretary of defense. Why do think that is Mr. North? I'd like to believe that it is because we are not to be in the business of waging war. As the nation with the strongest military we should use that strength to defend this great nation and aid others, not invade others. Maybe that's what happened to W, given his challenges with English, maybe he mixed those two up. Who knows.


Victor Hugo

Now hold on to your seats. This guy said his name was Victor Hugo and his email is

Imagine that another champion of the left that is too big a coward to leave a real name or a real email address. That's it stand up for what you believe in, but don't let anyone know you are doing it. You cowards make me sick.

So, rather than fisking this one, I thought I'd let all of you take a whack at it. Tell me and "Mr. Hugo" what you think of his lunatic babble.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at December 31, 2004 08:29 AM

There is SO much idiocy portrayed in your screed that it's hard to even know WHERE to begin...

Do a google on Paredes and a similar google on Sgt. Peralta, discount Blog sites, and then tell me again that the media doesn't highlight anything that is remotely anti-administration and ignore those stories of true FEATS of heroism.

The Heroes might be noted in their hometown papers on page 10, but one person who doesn't live up to his freely given commitment gets splashed across the nation, page one.

If Paredes was so heroic, he should have just presented himself to the nearest brig and requested to start his sentence for cowardice.
Cowardice has many different definitions; one MILITARY definition is failure to obey one's lawful orders in time of war. It is a fact of life that one does,indeed, give up a small fraction of one's autonomy when one joins the military. A soldier does NOT have the right to judge wether a certain campaign is worth fighting or not, he is duty bound to obey his orders as long as they do not contravene the recognized illegal under the rules of war.

WE ARE in a world wide war against an enemy that has been attacking us for at least the last 15 years. That enemy made the mistake of bringing the fight to our shores and waking the people up to the fact that were WERE at war. Saddam was a major funder of terrorist groups. Salmon Pak was where 9/11 was planned out. EVERY intelligence angency in the world believed that he had WMD's, and the risk of Saddam giving any of these to a terrorist group to use on the continental US was a risk we couldn't take...had such a weapon had been used here, you would be castigating Bush for not having taken action to forstall it. Iraq is a strategic war, it places us in a position to affect the entire ME. It is not an end goal in itself, just the beginning.

To compare the events at Abu Ghrarib under the US occupation to what occured there under Saddams regime is pure idiocy. Where were YOU crying out when they were putting the prisoners through shredders? Where was YOUR moral outrage when they gouged out the eyes of children with spoons to torture their parents? To equate what some idiots (and that are,rightly, being punished for) did to humiliate some of the same people that committed these acts to those acts themselves is extremely repugnant to me. There is no moral equilivence between shredders and underwear on some shmucks head.

Your claim of hundreds of thopusands killed by our men has been proven to be false time and again, as are your specious claims that that we "kill innocent, unarmed, injured civilians" on a massive scale. In FACT, our servicemen have put themselves in extra danger time and time again to avoid harming civilians to the greatest extent possible.

"Why don’t the very brave senators and congressmen in support of the war send their own sons and daughters to fight for this their "righteous" cause?"

Because, dear Moonbat, we have a VOLUNTEER armed services. It is the individual decision of every member to join, it's not up to his parents.

"There is absolutely no shame in standing up for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our principles state that everyone has the right to these 3 things. We currently have taken it upon ourselves to deprive the Iraqi people of all three."

In case you hadn't noticed it, the Iraqi people had NONE of these rights under Saddam. 300,000 unknowns in unmarked graves testify to that. We are providing the Iraqi people the opportunity to GAIN those rights, IF they can learn how to accept them and protect them.

Some of your ilk on the Moonbat Left have referrred to the "insurgents" as "Freedom Fighters"...strange, since most of them, especially the upper echelons of their leadership aren't even Iraqi. And JUST what have any of these groups done to uplift the Iraqi people? If they were so popular, they could have easily won any election and taken power.
Show me ONE instance where THEY provided any food, water, schools, medical care, or any other benefit to the people? All they do is kill them in suicide bombings, hinder any attempts at reconstruction that would benefit them in having a better life, and threaten any that might be willing to trade the sword for the plowshare.

WE did not ask for this war, WE were attacked time and again, and still we did not respond. Yes, we have a Secretary of Defense, and that is exactly what we are doing, DEFENDING ourselves, and forcing the enemy to fight on HIS land, not ours.

I know I didn't address all of your points, but I weary of refuting idiocy that has been refuted so many times before. Go back and sip a latte and see if the Beemer needs an oil change. I'm sure Chomsky needs another sycophantic fix too, so go take care of it, before he feels ignored.

I would concur with SR, it's sure indicative of the moral cowardice of the Moonbats of the Left to post lofty sounding paeons to Tolerance, Peace,Understanding and the Evils of War, but not to have the courage of their position to even identify themselves with a valid e-mail/URL/name. Interesting that you used a French moniker, your positions are worthy of their fine traditions.

My id's ARE valid. BRING IT ON.

Posted by: delftsman3 at December 31, 2004 05:51 PM

Well Victor Hugo, your pseudonym tells it all. You are entitled to your opinion. You do rely on the press for your information, which is something most of us don't. Since the media is consistently anti-American and anti-war, the same media that turns a blind eye toward the 100 million killed by the Communists, the Despots and Muslims. We have a president that will act to prevent their aggression towards the United States and it's people, even if that means taking down a dictator that thumbs his nose at world treaties. Saddam was paying for and supporting terrorism, all while the UN was skimming the oil for food program, Saddam had ample time to move his WMD's, which he used against the Kurds, out while the UN was dragging it's feet, nevertheless Saddam was in breach of the peace agreements from the Iraq-Kuwait war. North's assessment is spot on, no one forced that Marine to join, and he swore to serve. If we were to fight our battles solely on moral or polling issues we'd have the Hammer and Sickle or a Swastika for our national symbol. The hatred for Bush is what drives the press and the left. The problem with what you say is it would be different if the war were prosecuted by a Democrat president, maybe Jimmy Carter or Lyndon Johnson instead of Bush, you’re right, Carter sat on his ass for over a year and did precious little to rescue the Iran hostages, Lyndon Johnson escalated the Vietnam war then abandoned the project when he could not buy his way out, all with the help of the left. Your side won that war Victor Hugo. Today's military is out there protecting your sorry ass from radical Muslim aggression as well as Communist oppression, and all you can offer is hatred for our President and disdain for soldiers that are loyal to their orders. Maybe life would be better for you in Cuba, France or Canada where they measure up to your expectations.

Posted by: Jack at December 31, 2004 05:54 PM

After what Lord Spatula had to say......all I can say is Hey Vic YOU ARE WASTING THE AIR I HAVE TO BREATH FUCK OFF AND DIE!

Posted by: urgatorbait at January 1, 2005 02:37 PM

Not much to say, really - it'd be a waste of time and effort on that little prick.

The vast majority of us who attend this site have served or are currently serving in this Nation's military. Some have even seen the elephant and fired the odd angry shot. We have some life experience to draw upon for our posts.

We don't suck our information from liberal arts professors or from the New York Times. We gain it from those at the source (both military and civilian) and glean the rest from multiple sites.

Try getting a life of your own, Vic, and try to stop parroting the talking points your teachers feed you.

Posted by: GOC in Winston Salem at January 1, 2005 03:16 PM

all I can say is Bugger off Victor Hugo, you anonohomo rat bastard.
Is that sensitve enough?

Posted by: LCNEilV at January 2, 2005 04:56 AM

This Vickie Hugo person is the moonbat type that cannot be reasoned with. You may as well try to reason with a 3 year old during a temper tantrum.

I'm not going waste my time by reiterating why we are in Iraq, what the CORRECT definition of imperialism is and why the US does not match it, and what it means to be in the armed forces and offer one's life for the freedom of others.

Okay, one for our troops:
You think our troops are just stupid pawns???!!! Maybe you should try reading some blogs out of Iraq and realize that they are intelligent people and know exactly what they are doing. Don't say one goddamned word unless you have the brass ones to sacrifice for your country you wimp. It's people like you that try to undermine our mission and that makes you a TRAITOR.

At a time when people are doing their best to build America up, you are busy trying to tear it down. Without us and our TRUE allies, evil would have taken this earth long ago.

Vickie-whiney-baby-hugo, YOU ARE A RAMPAGING ASSHOLE!!! Please leave and never return.

Posted by: Catracks at January 3, 2005 02:27 PM

Victor Hugo, such a shame to share my name with a surrendermonkey like you.
fuck you, Victor, seriously, fuck you.
One thing is to condemn those acts and another thing is to make it an issue, give us a break okey?
Those soldiers are there fighting for freedom, for our freedom, specailly for my freedom, i'm a spaniard.
we know what muslim horror is better than any other country in europe, they are so near of us.
but those soldiers have their homes
thousends of miles farther of Bagdad than i do.
And they fight because they believe, and i believe in them

Posted by: Victor Bueno at January 4, 2005 05:04 PM
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