SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

January 24, 2005


Big Hat Tip to Linda for this one:

Russ Vaughn has written a most excellent article for The American Thinker, the following is an excerpt:


It’s so easy to say you support the troops, regardless of which side you come down on in the issue of the War in Iraq itself. Yeah, you can send care packages and put yellow ribbon magnets on your car to make you feel all warm and fuzzy that you’re doing your own small part.

But right now, folks, we have a rare opportunity, a seldom-held power for ordinary citizens, to actually do something for the troops that will bring them more comfort than any supportive letters or boxes of cookies and candy ever possibly could. You see, right now we have the ability to provide them with comfort of mind, to lift a mental and emotional burden that they all carry with them when they enter any theater of combat. We hold in our collective hands the ability to grant them assurance that should the worst befall them, we, their grateful nation, will provide for their loved ones in a manner that will approximate what they would have provided in the normal course of their lives.

Mr. Vaughn is speaking of the Honoring Every Requirement of Exemplary Service (HEROES) Act, which Senators Lieberman and Sessions will introduce when Congress reconvenes January 24 2005, would increase the maximum life insurance coverage for servicemembers to $400,000 and increase the death gratuity paid to families of servicemembers killed in combat to $100,000.

These benefit changes would cover all servicemembers regardless of rank, and would apply retroactively to cover those lost in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

This bill must pass and you can help. Listen to Mr. Vaughn:

So you say you support the troops? Then as soon as you finish reading this, start hammering that keyboard and let your two senators and your congressman know that you expect no less than their full support for early passage of the HEROES Act. To a person, they all swear they support the troops, regardless of party affiliation or individual positions on the war. Let them know, their future electoral efforts will, in your mind, be dependent upon their actions on behalf of those troops and those families who have given that "last full measure of devotion," to their nation.

Do it people, please! Addresses for Senators and Representatives are here.

Thanks again Linda!!

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at January 24, 2005 12:11 PM
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