SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

February 02, 2005

A Dirt Nap Is Just What The Doctor Ordered

According to his defense attorney Sgt. Hasan Akbar , the douchebag who fragged two officers in his chain of command in Kuwait, has a sleep disorder.

AP News

FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) - Defense lawyers said Monday that an Army sergeant facing a court-martial on charges alleging he killed two officers in a grenade attack in Kuwait needs further treatment for a sleep disorder.
Sgt. Hasan Akbar fell asleep during pretrial hearings last year and a judge ordered treatment for his sleep apnea condition, but his lawyer, Maj. David Coombs, said Akbar still has problems staying awake. "It has been a consistent problem," he said.

Coombs asked the judge, Col. Stephen Henley, to order a break after each witness and to allow coffee at the defense table once Akbar's trial begins in April.

Henley agreed to a recess at least every 90 minutes but denied the request for a break after each witness. He said he would consider allowing someone to sit next to Akbar during the trial to try to keep him awake. The defendant stayed awake during Monday's 45-minute hearing.

Henley also ordered that Akbar be given additional medical evaluation at Fort Knox, Ky., where he is being held while awaiting trial.

If the medical evaluation does not resolve Akbar's problems, extensive neurological studies may be needed, the defense said.

Akbar, 33, is a member of the 101st Airborne Division, based at Fort Campbell, Ky., but his trial was moved to Fort Bragg, home of the division's higher command, the 18th Airborne Corps.

If convicted of two counts of premeditated murder and three counts of attempted premeditated murder, Akbar could get the death penalty. It is the first time since the Vietnam War that an Army soldier has been prosecuted for the murder or attempted murder of another soldier during wartime.

Akbar's lawyers have said they intend to present an insanity defense.

Akbar is accused of stealing the grenades and attacking fellow members of the 101st just days into the March 2003 invasion of Iraq. In addition to the two people killed, 14 soldiers were injured.

I know exactly what Sgt (it shames me to use this title) Akbar needs. A nice long, we'll say, permanent dirt nap. Asking for a break after each witness. The only break this guy deserves are his legs.

It's truly a shame that we have become such a touchy feely nation that this douchebag will probably get off with life in prison, when the time comes. One well placed round of 7.62mm and Sgt Akbar could get what he deserves. Save the tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars over his wasted lifetime and drop him with one shot from a firing squad. Hell, .25 cents is generous, you could make change with the value of his life.

Any soldier that would frag his own people, is not fit to bear any rank or title, not fit to breath the same air as other great Americans. I hope justice is swift, although I know it will be far less than he deserves.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at February 2, 2005 09:03 AM

It is very sad that we allow scum like this to continue breathing the same are as the men and women ( on active duty, reserves, and retired) who have answered their countries call. I say offer him a smoke, a blindfold, and one out of seven with a blank round.

Posted by: Guy S. at February 2, 2005 05:27 PM

Sgt. Akbar is a true patriot. He did the right thing in killing those high ranking asshole officers. I praise all enlistees who rebel against their superiors and speak out against this cruel and unjust war.

Posted by: Stephen at April 3, 2005 05:51 PM

I is very sad to hear, stupid people speak bad about Sgt. Hasan Akbar,they have no education about war. All they know is hate and only one race have a right to live. Well, I am here to tell you, that you are wrong, Sgt. Akbar want to live too. He have that right, so you go to hell, because, that where your friends are, that think like you. His superior officers committee the real crime, when they first those him that he was the enemy and that they were going to kill him. You see everyone, I mean some of you got it backard. They turn against a soldier, what they fail to understand was, God was watching. He was the African American in his platoon.I know you are saying those things about Sgt. Akbar, because you are trying to hide the real true, that his supperior officer, committee a crime, you don't turn against a soldier during wartime, there are results. If he was so unfit, why was he out there? you know why, they had a plan, but God is the best of planners.

Posted by: quran at April 15, 2005 12:47 AM

Dirt nap sounds about right for this idiot. He didn't have to "support the war" - this is an ALL VOLUNTEER MILITARY. Even if he didn't approve, he could always go AWOL. Killing one's fellows in arms is treason in ANY country, at ANY time in history. No faith, creed, or group has ever approved of it. Frankly, I hope they sentence him to life and the other prisoners drown him in the crapper.

Posted by: Ted at April 26, 2005 03:14 PM
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