SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

February 10, 2005

Kommunist Kalifornian Hangs U.S. Soldier (Symbolism)

Troop Hanging.jpg

Sign Reads: Your tax dollars at work.

Sacramento Kalifornia

Nestled in a quiet Sacramento neighborhood is a very loud political statement that is testing the very foundation of the right to free speech.

This isn't a "very loud" political statment. This is an unamerican dirt bag showing the rest of their quiet neighborhood one more reason to watch them more closely.

Hanging from a house in Land Park, a soldier's uniform in a noose dangles from a rooftop. The words "your tax dollars at work" are scrolled across the chest.

In a community full of patriotism, this view of the war in Iraq has not gone unnoticed.

"I think it's the ultimate sign of disrespect. We have troops dying for us," Land Park resident Mark Cohen said.

"(I'm) annoyed and disgusted. I think if this is the way someone feels they can find a better way to vent their opinions," Land Park resident Pete Miles said.

The homeowners behind the controversy are Steve and Virginia Pearcy. They released a statement saying, "There will always be people who are offended by political speech, and the most important forum of all ... is one's own residence. The First Amendment is meaningless unless dissent is allowed."

What a pair of absolute assholes. These are the people who take their freedom for granted. They want to speak out simply to get their pathetic names mentioned on the 5 O'clock news.

You don't have to support the war, but you have to support the troops. It's not an option it is a must. These are the people who protect your right to do ignorant shit like the Assholes Pearcy's.

The tension in the neighborhood has escalated into more than just a political feud.

The matter has been reported to the police department and to the city attorney. The city council has even heard about it, but says they can't solve the problem.

"Unfortunately or fortunately this is protected speech by the First Amendment ... so there is nothing we can do about it," Sacramento City Councilman Rob Fong said.

KCRA 3 received a call late Wednesday morning from the homeowner saying that a group of people had torn down the display. He said that what he did was not illegal, but what was done by the people who removed the display was.

To whomever removed this atrocity, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for having the guts to stand up for the troops.

This really is quite silly. You mean to tell me a homeowners association can keep you from putting a basketball goal on your garage or a pool in your yard, but the city can't stop you from looking like white trash by hanging a U.S. Soldier in your front yard even if only in symbolism?

To all those people in California who had sense enough to elect a Republican Governor and who voted for GW even though you knew full well you were outnumbered by lunatics, I say thank you!

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at February 10, 2005 07:49 AM

I live about 40 miles south of this asshole:

Residents Tear Down War Protest Display

February 9, 2005

SACRAMENTO -- Some Sacramento residents are reacting with outrage over a homeowner's controversial war protest in Land Park. When they saw the American soldier display, they decided to do something about it. FOX40 cameras captured the incidents as they happened.

Neighbor Pete Miles said "To me it's just mostly signs of ignorance." He lives next to the house on Marty Way that has a lot of people upset. The house is owned by Steve and Virginia Pearcy, who live in Berkeley.

Neighbor Brian Theodore said "This is our neighborhood, we have to look at it, we don't have a choice, so your freedom of speech has gone a little too far here." What got people so upset? A fake U.S. soldier in uniform hung by the neck with a noose, with a sign on it that says "your tax dollars at work."

Jeff McAlpine/Sacramento Resident said "Our brave servicemen fighting for our lives. if they don't like it that's one thing, but that's a gross display right there." This young man, who would not identify himself, was just walking down the street when he decided he had seen enough. He climbed onto the house and tore down part of the display. Visibly shaken afterwards, he told FOX40 why he did it. "Because you can't, hey our soldiers are there dying for us, so we can have freedom for our own good, that's just wrong."

There's an Iraqi flag in a window and the homeowner also put up a Palestinian flag in the front window, which has his jewish neighbors across the street perplexed. Marque Cohen/Neighbor said "Both my wife and I are jewish we found it very offensive."

Homeowner Steve Pearcy e-mailed FOX40 News his reason for putting up the display: "The effigy portrays the truth, i.e.,that our tax dollars are being used to send Americans to Iraq to die."

Another man was riding his motorcycle when he decided to stop and do something about the rest of the display, the soldier's hanging pants. So he took them down, and grabbed the torso and took off.

We asked him what he'd like to tell Steve Pearcy. His response: "Words wouldn't do it."
Copyright © 2005, KTXL,0,354910.story?coll=ktxl-news-3

Posted by: Howard at February 9, 2005 10:53 PM

Hmmm.. tricky... One of the freedoms of the
1st amd. of the Bill of Rights is Freedom of
Speach, even if that freedom is used to by people
to make an ass of themselves. While I'm not too
concerned that it was the neighbors that tore that
stupid disply down, it is rather heartwarming that
it was not the police or other Gov agencies that
did it.

Personaly, I think leaving it up and setting up
displays that Support the Troops would have been
better. With all the displays that are positive
and support the Troops, that ass would have stuck
out like a fart in Church. If the City and other
Civic groups would not force the owner to take
down the tacky display he had, then they would
have no right to force the other homeowners to
remover their signs and displays.

Posted by: Ken at February 10, 2005 03:12 AM

If you don't support the war, how can it be said that you support the troops?

Posted by: Special Needs at February 10, 2005 08:18 AM

I will be the first to admit that I want nothing to do with Assholes like this! Like it or not,this is just one example of why we serve.

I knew that when I enlisted in 1971 that there was a very good possibility that I could be sent to Nam.I also knew that there were bastards out there protesting against the troops.I also witnessed the despicable way the troops were treated when they returned home after serving so bravely.

Unfortunately,if we don't preserve the rights of these dumbasses,then the ones that didn't make it home will have died in vain.This is what makes this country so very great and so very special.

Like I said,I would never associate with this trash.Let us, instead of letting their acts of stupidity get under our skin,use these acts to re-enforce our loyalty to our troops and their heroic actions.

I did not agree that we should have been in Viet Nam nor do I agree that we belong in Iraq.The important thing is that the powers that be believe that we belong in Iraq.They have deployed our troops there to do a job.That is what everyone should remember.Good or bad,right or wrong they are doing their job and to that end they deserve the support of all Americans.

I put all politics aside when it comes to our brave troops and I support them 110%.I just wish all of America could do the same.

Posted by: PappaSlagle at February 10, 2005 05:28 PM

Thank you SlagleRock, for posting about this. I tried to when I saw it, and all I could come up with was a string of foul language.

There is and always will be a fine line between freedom of speech and hate crimes. It seems to me that this crossed that line and it is a hate crime directed at our soldiers. Am I the only one who sees that?

Consider if these people had hung a minority in effigy, instead of a soldier, with that same sign. Of course it would have been a hate crime, it would have been removed and they would have been charged accordingly.


Posted by: LindaSoG at February 10, 2005 05:39 PM

The neighbors of this gentleman should honor him with a housewarming to show their appreciation.

Posted by: Jack at February 10, 2005 08:33 PM
If you don't support the war, how can it be said that you support the troops?

Easy, you don't hang symbols that reflect the troops by a noose in front of your house. You don't call the troops baby killers, rapists, or dumb rednecks. You can protest the administration that sent us there, but no one has the right to fault the troops for following lawful orders.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by: SlagleRock at February 10, 2005 09:36 PM

Have you seen this soldier’s uniform hung by a noose?

Stephen and Virginia Pearcy have made a public display on their Sacramento home at 2732 Marty Way, CA 95818. Their phone number is also publicly listed as 916-448-1388.

They have used their home to make a public comment. Therefore, it is legal to post their address, which has been clearly identified by television news reports. Please respond and let them know they are wrong.

Who are they? See the link below

Posted by: sweet at February 12, 2005 10:17 PM

Setting up other displays is a good idea. Here is another:

Posted by: Ken Summers at February 14, 2005 07:21 AM

Tuesday, Feb. 15th from 7 to 10 PM

2732 Marty Way, Sacramento, CA 95818

This vigil was organized by

Let's help these Berkeley Lawyers get a clue about what Low-Life Losers they are.

Posted by: Patrick at February 14, 2005 11:56 AM

Speaking as a U.S. soldier, I don't appreciate all of you vigilante types encouraging vandalism and illegal activity.

Let the two fools hang their effigies if that's what they need to do, but don't violate their right to free speech and their property rights. You are making me ashamed.

Find constructive ways to protest things you disagree with.

Posted by: Trevor at February 17, 2005 08:40 AM

Are you people fucking stupid? This is obviously a message lamenting the fact that American soldiers are dying for a war the Pearcy's believe was propagated under false pretenses. Even if you think we should have gone to war, this can hardly be construed as a message insulting to the service of the soldiers themselves. Just think for a moment about what the message means. If you can't grasp it, please enroll yourselves in some remedial courses at your local university and attain some semblance of independent and nuanced thought.

Posted by: T at February 17, 2005 10:33 PM

Wow! Right on T. It just goes to show you how sad that people don't get the message. It's IN SUPPORT of the troops. It's saying stop killing our men and women over weapons of mass destruction that aren't there, and from what the 9/11 bipartisan investigation has shown, that there was never credible evidence to support a preemptive attack. Stop calling yourselves patriotic....people also DIED to protect our right to freedom of speech. Get a life.

Posted by: Tom at May 5, 2005 12:52 AM
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