Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his. -- General George S. Patton
February 10, 2005Iraqi's Gift Comforts Family Of Marine CasualtyROSEVILLE, Mich. (AP) — Rae Oldaugh says she cried upon being told her son, Marine Lance Cpl. Allan Klein had been killed in a helicopter crash in Iraq, and again when an Iraqi immigrant offered his banquet hall for a free funeral luncheon. For the full story go here. I feel for Mrs. Oldaugh and her loss. The loss of American lives is always tragic. The actions of Mr. Youil "Louie" Ishmail are a sign of the changing times. SlagleRock Out! Posted by SlagleRock at February 10, 2005 08:07 AMComments
In your opinion, is the loss of American lives more tragic than the loss of the lives of people of other nationalities? Posted by: Special Needs at February 10, 2005 08:28 AMEvery life has value. But I do believe it does vary. Sad to say, but it is a reality. I believe the lives of my children to be more valuable than any on the Earth. Second only to my babies would be my family. Beyond that I guess it depends on the situation. In your opinion, is the loss of American lives more tragic than the loss of the lives of people of other nationalities? Generally speaking, no I don't believe that one life is more important than another, but is the life of an American troop worth more than the life of a terrorist? Absolutely! Is the life of an honest hard working American citizen worth more than the life of a criminal or a foreigner on American soil only to murder innocent people while they sit at their desks in the offices of the World Trade Center, you better believe it! SlagleRock Out! Posted by: SlagleRock at February 10, 2005 09:32 PM I guess we agree on that. Except, I think the death of any warrior fighting a war is less "tragic" than the death of a civilian of any nationality who dies as a result of a conflict. Warrior signed up, and know the risks, but some guy getting offed by accident on the way to the store is much more tragic. Posted by: Special Needs at February 11, 2005 12:19 PMPost a comment