SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

February 23, 2005

Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired

Everyone knows the feeling demonstrated by the title of this post. I am down to the wire. I will be leaving this Saturday for a temporary duty assignment that could last as long as six months. To all of you who have wished me well and offered prayers I thank you. However, since this assignment is not classified I can tell you that I am going to a location in Germany, so hopefully the prayers will not be needed. It should be a good temporary duty.

Now back to the title. Last Saturday my Five-year-old daughter came down with the flu. Our weekend consisted of washing out the puke bucket, changing sheets, and washing/changing pajamas. Poor thing handled it very well but it definitely slowed the process of preparing to leave. So, Monday rolls around and she starts feeling better. About that same time I get the runs. I think maybe I caught her flu bug but (no pun intended) it manifested differently in me. I got the fever, aches and pains, and headache, but (again no pun intended) instead of vomiting I have the runs. To add insult to injury I have had the worst heartburn of my life these past three days. Now, not to be graphic but imagine every time you sat down to crap you also had to deal with the acid reflux that came with every push.

This morning we learned that the baby (6 mos. old) is now sick. He has projectile vomited 3 times so far today. So, now we are back to washing sheets and changing pajamas. All the while, we are trying to catch up on laundry, pack my bags and straighten up the house and mow the lawn. I don't want to leave anything undone, as I know my wife will have her hands full with two kids and a full time job. She also has to worry about yard inspections since we live in base housing.

So needless to say it appears that many things will be left unfinished. Luckily one of my neighbors offered to mow the lawn soon and what will be left undone in the house shouldn't be too hard to handle.

It is also a great relief to know that although they are more than ten hours away by car the in-laws are always willing to help if need be.

I am sorry for the slim posting but as you can see our circus has kept us very busy.

I'll post what and when I can and hopefully once I get into a routine in Germany I'll be able to post regularly again.

Thanks to all for the kind words.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at February 23, 2005 10:50 AM

Hey Rob-

Hope you feel better and take care!

Posted by: Emma at February 23, 2005 02:12 PM

Best advice I ever got in regards to diarrhea....was to get some acidophilus (sp) tablets from the local drugstore. It helps to restore the microfloral balance and prevents (or helps to stop ) diarrhea.
Now that we've discussed bowel movements..Be safe!

Posted by: dawn at February 23, 2005 03:35 PM

Jeepers. That sounds like one heck of bug with terrible timing! Here's hoping you get past that one fast!

I'm not exactly in the neighborhood, but if there is anything I can do to help while you're gone, please let me know.

Be careful, be alert, keep in touch and come back soon!

All my best to you, your wife and your kiddies - LInda

Posted by: LindaSoG at February 23, 2005 06:13 PM

Hell son,you're just getting warmed up!At ages 5 years and six months you are just tuning up for the long haul.You have so much more to look forward to.Believe me,thirty or forty years from now,as you look back on it all,you will realize it was all well worth it.There are times I would gladly clean your puke bucket once again.I don't mean to sound gross but a lot of burdensome and tiring things gain new meaning as time goes on.

I guess I'm a very lucky man.I have great recollections of you as a baby and as a small boy.Now I am fortunate to see you grown into a fine young man.Enjoy your babys while they are young because they grow up so fast.

Kiss the girls and my big boy for me.I love you all,with all of my heart.Take care,Dad

Posted by: PappaSlagle at February 23, 2005 07:04 PM

Hope you're feeling better and the family are back on their feet. Have a safe trip and a short tour of duty then hurry back to the world. Just keep in touch.

Posted by: Jack at February 24, 2005 03:09 PM
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