SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

March 13, 2005

More Reflection

I thought I'd add a little more info (another example) to this story.

Though public support for the troops may not be as wide spread as it was on 9/12/01 it is still out there. On my way here to Germany BWI (Baltimore) served as my port call. We had to process the Air Mobility Command (AMC) terminal to leave the states. For those who have been through BWI you may know the area, for those who do not, the AMC terminal is located at the far end of ticketing. Below it is where military members returning from overseas process through customs and enter the terminal.

While I was standing in line to check my baggage I heard cheering and clapping. I looked over the balcony down to the floor below. There I saw about 75 people who were clapping and cheering for each and every military member who came out of the customs line and back home. There were men and woman from all branches of service returning from all over the world.

I saw a young man (Private First Class, U.S. Army) in a desert uniform, walking on crutches, missing part of his lower leg. He held his head high when the clapping began and he dropped to his knees and kissed the floor of the airport once he crossed through the door. I was touched. I still get a knot in my throat when I think about what that young mans life will be like.

The whole time we were listening to the crowd cheer for those returning, the Girl Scouts of America were working our line. They were handing out calling cards, cookies, and numerous small but very thoughtful and useful items.

As I stood in line I heard the clapping and cheering each time one of our brave men and woman came through the door I got a little choked up. I was also impressed that the clapping barely began to die down before the next person surfaced.

After about an hour of this, the last person came out the door and a customs agent locked the door behind them. I expected, when I looked over the edge to see the crowd had departed, but to my surprise these people weren't the friends and families of the returning troops they were just patriots. They were staying there for the return of the next rotator several hours later. In all there were about 50 people left that weren't there to great any one person, but to show support for all.

My father and I have had many discussions about supporting the troops and patriotism in general. He said that, "Patriotism is a funny thing, it is easier to be patriotic when you support everything your goverment says/does." I agree, there are fairweather patriots out there. The ones who only stand up when they agree. But these people impressed the hell out of me. They had taken hours out of there busy days to say thank you to people they didn't even know. I am sure that these patriots don't agree with all that our government dictates, but that day it didn't matter. They were there for the troops and trust me it was easy to see that it was appreciated.

That is the kind of homecoming that everyone wishes they could experience at one time or another. It is hard leaving your family behind. While I have had the opportunity to see more of the world than most will in their lifetime it doesn't make it any easier to leave my soul mate, my son and my little princess.

I remember hearing stories and seeing news clips from the troops returning from Vietnam and even as a kid it angered me to see people spitting on the troops and calling them names. Now that I have been enlisted for a decade it obviously hits closer to home.

Well, I just thought I'd share. I'd like to say thank you to those great patriots at BWI. And while this TDY I will not be in a combat zone I still had to leave my wife and my babies. It doesn't get any easier, but great patriots help ease the pain.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at March 13, 2005 11:23 PM

As we all know,patriotism isn't something one is born with.Patriotism has to be learned.Let each of us, do our best to ensure that the coming generation learns patriotism.

This country has remained great throughout the ages because of those that came before.Now that task belongs to us.For the sake of future generations,it is a task that we must not fail.

God bless America.

Posted by: PappaSlagle at March 14, 2005 04:34 PM


Man is earth's Choicemaker. Psalm 25:12 He is by nature
and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria.
Psalm 119:30,173 His unique and definitive characteristic
is, and of Right ought to be, the natural foundation of
his environments, institutions, and respectful relations
to his fellow-man. Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom
whose roots are in the natural Order of the universe.

That human institution which is structured on the
principle, "...all men are endowed by their Creator with
...Liberty...," is a system with its roots in the natural
Order of the universe. The opponents of such a system are
necessarily engaged in a losing contest with nature and
nature's God. Biblical principles are still today the
foundation under Western Civilization and the American
way of life. To the advent of a new season we commend the
present generation and the "multitudes in the valley of

Let us proclaim it. Behold!


God Bless America!

Jim Baxter
WWII & Korean War

Always Faithful

Posted by: Jim Baxter at March 14, 2005 07:39 PM

Sgt.Baxter,well said.Thank you for your service.God bless.

Posted by: PappaSlagle at March 16, 2005 05:43 PM

I truly believe there are many more of us out here that support our troops. We would not have the freedom we have without them. No politician gave me my freedm, it was fought for by our awesome military.
Thank you Troops and Veterans for this land of the free and it IS the home of the brave. I owe you all a debt that can never be repaid.

"Freedom! No Word Was Ever Spoken
That Held Out Greater Hope,
Demanded Greater Sacrifice,
Needed More To Be Nurtured,
Blessed More The Giver,
Cursed More Its Destroyer,
Or Came Closer To Being
God"s Will On Earth.
And I Think Thats Worth Fighting For."


Posted by: Wild Thing at March 20, 2005 09:08 AM
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