SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

May 09, 2005

I've Been Tagged

Mamamontezz has challenged me.

The Challenge: Here (I'll list them at the end of this post) is a list of different occupations. You must select at least five of them. You may add more if you like to your list before you pass it on (after you select five of the items as it was passed to you).

Of the five you selected, you are to finish each phrase with what you would do as a member of that profession. Then pass it on to three other suckers bloggers.

So what did I choose?

If I could be a Linguist, I would surely be the most cunning linguist of all. Just hearing the romance languages roll off the tip of my tongue would surely make a woman's legs quake.

If I could be a Midget Stripper, they'd have no choice but to call me tripod. After all, a midget with three legs would be sure to draw a crowd. They'd have to say; once you go small you'll never go tall.

If I could be a Scientist, I'd develop a bomb that has the same properties as Marijuana. Why fight a war when you can mellow your enemies to the point of submission. Who would there be to fight if the world was one big happy Woodstock?

If I could be a Musician, I'd bring the Recorder to the main stream. No more guitar, drums, or mixing machines. Classic hits like Three Blind Mice and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star would soar to the top of the charts.

If I could be a Federal Judge, the appeal process for those sentenced to death would consist of one appeal to a higher court. If the appeal was lost the execution would be carried out within 24 hours of sentencing. (Sorry this one was serious instead of silly)

I didn't have much time to work this one up, so I leaned toward humor. Though I don't have anyone in particular to tag any who read are more than welcome to try their hand at this.

The options are:

If I could be a scientist…
If I could be a farmer…
If I could be a musician…
If I could be a doctor…
If I could be a painter…
If I could be a gardener…
If I could be a missionary…
If I could be a chef…
If I could be an architect…
If I could be a linguist…
If I could be a psychologist…
If I could be a librarian…
If I could be an athlete…
If I could be a lawyer…
If I could be an innkeeper…
If I could be a professor…
If I could be a writer…
If I could be a backup dancer…
If I could be a llama-rider…
If I could be a bonnie pirate…
If I could be a midget stripper…
If I could be a proctologist…
If I could be a TV-Chat show host…
If I could be an actor…
If I could be a judge…
If I could be a superhero…
If I could be a celebrity gynecologist…

superman s.giflagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at May 9, 2005 01:41 PM
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