SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

May 12, 2005

Nothing Profound To Say, Discuss, Or Bitch About

I have to apologize. Posting has been light lately. I haven't had anything profound stand out to me. Nothing has reached out to me and said, "SlagleRock post me." It just hasn't happened. In general things have been a zoo. At my duty location things are slowly winding down. Our mission will come to a close soon so I have been doing everything that is necessary for us to close.

Outside of work, Germany has been a great experience. The wine, castles, cars the endless amounts of world history that are here for the picking.

For those of you who read this post previously you will notice some of the content has been removed. Part of it raised quite a stink and that was not the intention. I have also deleted all previous comments pertaining to this post. Sorry to those whom I may have offended, but you simply misunderstood. I was merely venting about nothing and everything all at once.

superman s.giflagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at May 12, 2005 11:04 PM

Courage is grace under pressure.
--Ernest Hemingway

Have a better one Rob.

Posted by: Jack at May 16, 2005 07:47 AM

Been missing you!

Posted by: LindaSoG at May 21, 2005 08:09 PM

When you don't have anything to write about, maybe you should post some Cardinal baseball scores. Or talk about how Barry Bonds is the best player in baseball. Just some ideas. Later.

Posted by: Blunt at May 21, 2005 09:02 PM
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