Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his. -- General George S. Patton
October 10, 2006My New QuoteNo man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he is vigilant in its preservation" -- General Douglas MacArthur Former General of the Army (That's FIVE stars for those of you not in the know) This is the new quote for SlagleRock's. You'll also notice that I referred to the site as SlagleRock's. For the time being that is how I will refer to my blog. I am working on a new banner and title for my blog. Any suggestions? lagleRock Out! Comments
That's a worthy quote Rob, quite lost on the spineless, sick, lame and lazy you diligently protect. Thank you and your crew members for being there protecting the rest of us. Posted by: Jack at October 11, 2006 11:28 AMCongrats and Congrats! B Posted by: Brandye at October 13, 2006 05:01 PMI LOVE that quote, it is so perfect!! I always send quotes when I mail packages to our troops and I am going to put this quote you posted in my next batch of packages to Iraq and Afghanistan. Thank you so much!! Posted by: Wild Thing at October 14, 2006 03:18 PM"If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting." Gen. Curtis LeMay. Keep up the good work. Your site is added to my daily reads as of today; I stumbled on you through Llama Butchers. Dan Patterson Post a comment