SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

June 21, 2004

Corrupt Saudi Police Aided In The Capture Of Paul Johnson

In a recent AP News release it has been stated that Saudi Police aided in the capture of American Paul Johnson.

According to the article, Kidnappers of American in Saudi Arabia Say Police Assisted Abduction With Uniforms, False Checkpoints Saudi Police sympathetic to Al Qaeda helped the J.E.R.M.s a.k.a -Jihadist Extremist Radical Muslims by providing them with uniforms and real police vehicles.

My first question is this; if this is substantiated will the police that assisted be dealt with? All should be beheaded. The video footage of the cruel and vile event should be plastered all over the Internet so that their families can see it much as it was with the beheading of Nicholas Berg.

We need to step up and do something about this. It is time to fight fire with fire. If the Saudi government can't (more likely won't) deal with these psychopaths we need to provide elite forces to "assist" them.

Many argue that Mr. Johnson did not have to be there, I say that is irrelevant. American while we are hated for nothing more than jealousy should be safe in any country whose government not only allows us to be there, but requests it.

The Saudi people, like most of the Arab countries are extremely backwards. They are hundreds of years behind the western world in all aspects.

I have been deployed to numerous places around the world, from the Middle East, to Asia and Africa. Saudi Arabia is the only place that I truly felt unsafe. I never left my office without my sidearm at a minimum. I made it a point to ensure that all of my troops were armed and traveled in numbers. The Saudis are truly a shady people and I think that their lack of education, coupled with the mindless manipulation of their government through religion, they have come to believe that Americans are evil; the same Americans that kept the Iraqis from taking them next in '91.

This event is just one more example of why we need to cut ties with the Arab world, enforce sanctions on Saudi Arabia and rely on our own natural resources so that we don't have to send Americans into that desolate thankless region of the world that I believe will someday be responsible for the third world war.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at June 21, 2004 12:00 AM

New to your site but I like what I see and I'll be a regular if you'll have me.

I spent 13 months in Pakistan in '71-'72 as a MSG at the Embassy and I loved it. We could go anywhere with no security worries about ourselves at all. The vast majority of the people liked and respected us and we went out of our way to treat them with respect. Remember, this was when the War for Bangladesh took place.

It's a shame that the mujahadeen took over. What could have been a nice country gone to the fucking dogs.

Posted by: Fleck at June 21, 2004 02:26 AM

Nothing surprises me from that quarter of the world. Like the attack at Al Khobar the terrorists got away with official assistance. The cesspool we call the middle east is rife with corruption where obviously bribe money will buy off even the official police. They don't want us there as protectors or fellow human beings, and it's obvious they don't care a whit about their own economy. They cannot exist without oil profits because they are a welfare state, once revenue stops the uprising that will follow will totally destroy the "magic empire". It's up to us to prevent another Iranian type of culture, I'm thinking cease all oil production in Saudi Arabia, let the people revolt, then pacify the tribes in the same fashion the French pacified Indochina. The house of Saud has done nothing tangeble to end corruption, just the opposite, they set the example by buying off the aggressors that oppose them and abbetting terrorism abroad through payoffs and shell charities. They've set into play the terrorists that are plaguing them today and will not admit they are the cause of the problem. They are no different than the Palistinians with one exception, they have oil to sell. Both support and fund terrorism and promote the terrorist sects of Islam.

Posted by: Jack at June 21, 2004 08:31 AM

I disagree with only one point,SR. That point is that we're ALREADY in WWIV (cold war was #III).
We need to realize that we ARE engaged in a world war and fight it with all our resources or be put onto the pages of past history.

Posted by: delftsman3 at June 21, 2004 09:09 AM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 01:36 PM
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