SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

June 22, 2004

The Flag Means...

This morning as I was dropping my four year old off at pre-school I stopped to take a look at some of the childrens artwork.

There were about 40 little scribbled pictures of flags. As usual the "teachers" wrote on the bottom what the children said the artwork was depicting.

I soon discovered that the overlying theme was for our upcoming Independence Day. The children were asked, "what does the flag mean to you?"

One child drew a colorful flag and it stated, "this is a rainbow flag."

Another drew one that was red, white and blue, and stated, "the flag means we have airplanes." (Being an Air Force child that is expected)

Then I saw a third, it was red with white stripes and a blue field of stars. While the number of stars and stripes were incorrect it was very clear what it represented. At the bottom of the picture it said, "the flag means we are Americans!" When I discovered that it was my child who drew this flag and said these words I felt a little choked up.

Now the point of this blog...

No, I am not bragging that my 4 year old has better patriotism than John F*ck Face Kerry. And no, I am not bragging that my child drew a better flag than a bunch of 3-5 year olds.

My point is always remember just how impressionable these young minds really are. They pick up everything both good and bad. Just imagine how messed up Michael Moores kids must be!?!?

The flag flies in front of my house and always will. My daughter will always know just how important "Old Glory" really is to our great nation.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at June 22, 2004 08:03 AM

Son,I'm glad your not bragging about my Grand daughter.It wouldn't be right telling everyone how special and intelligent she is.I hoped that I had taught you to be humble.LOL!!

Seriously,though.You are right.How proud we all should be to be citizens of the greatest nation on Earth.It is so important that we instill that same pride in our youth if this nation is to continue to progress and thrive.I like to believe that I planted that spark of patriotism in you.Keep up the good work,Sgt.That's an order.

May "Old Glory" fly forever high and God bless America

PappaSlagle,signing off

Posted by: PappaSlagle at June 22, 2004 08:47 AM

One hundred percent dead on. Children learn by example, too many parents say one thing and do another. You have to practice what you preach and moreover think of how the young ones percieve you and your actions. My flag stays up at all times too as a confirmation of my patriotism and as an example to my grandchildren, and the neighbors.

Posted by: Jack at June 22, 2004 11:16 AM

I couldn't agree with you more. Children are like little sponges, soaking up all the information flying at them every day. And, if you do it right you can provide them with the tools they need to be proper filter of the things that fly at them when you are not there to help them out.

My dad taught my brother and me to question, question, question. Don't always take people's word for things. Go look for yourself. Learn for yourself. Find the facts. The way he taught us to look at the world made it easier for us to discern what was right and wrong for ourselves.

Children learn at a fantastic rate. It's hard to keep up with their "soaking things up." But that's what parents and grandparents are for... to act as guides through this crazy world.

Bless their little hearts! Keep up the good work !

Posted by: Bonfire7 at June 22, 2004 08:21 PM

One of my proudest days was watching my daughter[your wife] graduate basic training holding Our american flag,so how could we expect anything less of my grand-daughter than her patriotic parents. grandma-Trainor

Posted by: Penny Trainor at June 27, 2004 12:13 PM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 01:36 PM
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