SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

June 22, 2004

Ann Coulter

"After a terrorist attack by al-Qa'ida that left hundreds of their fellow countrymen dead, Spanish voters immediately voted to give the terrorists what they want -- a socialist government that opposes America's war on terrorism. Al-Qa'ida has changed a government. Until the bombings... the center-right Popular Party of outgoing Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar had been sailing to victory. But then the al-Qa'ida bombs went off and Spaniards turned out in droves to vote against the government that had been a staunch Bush ally in the war on terrorism. (I guess it's OK for a Spanish socialist to 'politicize' a terrorist attack just to get elected.) In a videotaped message, the al-Qa'ida 'military commander' for Europe claimed credit for the bombings, saying that the terrorist attack was meant to punish Spain for supporting the war in Iraq. The message came as a total shock to liberals who have been furiously insisting that Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with al-Qa'ida. Apparently al-Qa'ida didn't think so. After the Madrid bombings, it looks like liberals and terrorists will have to powwow on whether there was an Iraq /al-Qa'ida link. Two hundred dead Spaniards say there was." --Ann Coulter

Posted by SlagleRock at June 22, 2004 02:24 PM

What can I say, Ann Coulter Rocks. I really don't
expect the Loony Libs to take a lot of notice of
200 dead Spaniards. The way I see it, they are
ignoreing the 3000 dead Americans from 9/11.


Posted by: Kenneth at June 22, 2004 10:29 PM

I agree Ken, most of our own libs won't pay much attention to what Ann has to say as they can't even show that they care about our dead brethren. She is correct though, Al Qaeda did change a government and it will be a shame if that happens in the US.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by: SlagleRock at June 23, 2004 07:41 AM

One thing thats for sure this is no longer the country that I was born in. The subversives have been allowed to undermine the values of our forefathers to the point that they behave like a herd of Wildebeest with a Lion amongst them. The leftists here like in Spain will give up our sovereignty and freedom for so called safety. The thought that the U.N. can provide any security in this world is apalling, their track record proves it, yet the Dems, especially Kerry want to do just that.

Posted by: Jack at June 23, 2004 08:51 AM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 01:36 PM
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