SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

August 25, 2004

Where Do We Stand?

Once in a while I say something that doesn't jive with the right. I definitely say things that don't jive with the left, so I decided to set the record straight. Take a look here and see how Bush, Kerry and SlagleRock stand on the issues.

Civil Rights Issues
Affirmative Action
John Kerry Supports Affirmative Action Policies.
George Bush has been both for and against Affirmative Action.
SlagleRock has known deserving people who have lost jobs to the racism that is affirmative action--Strongly opposes affirmative action.

Gay Marriage
John Kerry is Against gay "marriage" but supports benefits and rights for same sex couples.
George Bush backs constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.
SlagleRock says let them "marry" or be joined in union and keep the religious view of one man and one woman out of politics.

Gays in the Military
John Kerry favors allowing openly gay men and woman to serve.
George Bush supports "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
SlagleRock supports equality and says until a queer hits on SlagleRock it's not an issue.

Gay Adoption
John Kerry supports adoption by gay couples.
George Bush opposes adoption by gay couples.
SlagleRock says that adoption should be based on an individual or couples ability to both financially and emotionally care for a child not the sexual orientation of those seeking to adopt.

Hate Crime Legislation
John Kerry wants to expand federal hate crime legislation and assure equal justice.
George Bush opposes expanding federal hate crime legislation to cover sexual orientation.
SlagleRock says crime is crime, a murder is a murder regardless of motivation. A rape is a rape regardless of motivation. Criminals should be punished for the crime not the motivation.

National Missile Defense
John Kerry opposes national missile defense, supports nonproliferation and arms control.
George Bush has ordered limited national missile defense system deployed by 2004.
SlagleRock believes that nonproliferation and arms control is a childish joke and believes Americans deserve a national missile defense plan.

Increase Size of Military
John Kerry wants to recruit more service members; start Community Defense Service.
George Bush has not proposed increasing the military's size.
SlagleRock knows first hand that we are spread to thin and need desperately to increase our numbers.

Program Budgets
John Kerry wants to invest in new equipment, technology; offer better pay, benefits.
George Bush would increase military spending 4.2 percent to $380 billion.
SlagleRock would gladly accept all of the above and still believes that more troops are needed to go with the spending.

Environment and Energy
Drilling in ANWR
John Kerry opposes oil exploration in Arctic refuge.
George Bush favors opening refuge for gas and oil exploration, drilling.
SlagleRock favors drilling in ANWR but also believes the government needs to spend more on researching alternative fuels.

Alternative Fuels
John Kerry promotes clean, renewable fuel sources, especially ethanol.
George Bush Proposed $1.7 billion to develop hydrogen-powered fuel cells.
SlagleRock thinks the government needs to step in and stop OPEC and other fuel conglomerates from buying up patents on machinery and automobiles that are already more fuel efficient.

Energy Policy
John Kerry says we need to set goals, incentives to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
George Bush supports market-based solution to improve air quality.
SlagleRock says if private industry can put a man in space and N. Korea can develop nuclear weapons then Energy shouldn't be an issue in the US and the major parties need to get off of their asses and stop catering to their supporters and do what is in the best interest of the United States.

Gas Mileage Requirements
John Kerry wants to push new gas requirements, hybrid cars, hydrogen fuel.
George Bush supports 1.5 mpg increase for SUV's, light trucks by 2007.
SlagleRock says that 1.5 mpg increase is garbage and could have been accomplished years ago if big business (Namely OPEC) wasn't capable of slowing progress in fuel efficiency. Hybrid cars will only be an option when they are capable of performing like cars powered by fossil fuels.

Health Care
Drug Costs
John Kerry says close loopholes; financial incentives to lower drug costs.
George Bush supports reducing drug cost for low income patients.
SlagleRock says there is a huge difference between profit and greed and drug costs need to be regulated and should be base on cost of production not demand or severity of the condition they treat.

Medicare Solvency
John Kerry wants to fund all health care by rescinding tax cuts, cutting waste.
George Bush wants to introduce private sector competition to reduce cost
SlagleRock says that all Americans deserve good health care and big business needs its pee pee slapped

Prescription Drugs Benefit
John Kerry wants to tighten rules on drug companies; focus on seniors, vets (descrimination)
George Bush supports adding drug benefit to Medicare
SlagleRock thinks that employers would benefit greatly if they would take better care of their employees by ensuring that they get the proper medical attention and drugs that they need

Nationalized Healthcare
John Kerry wants to let people buy into govt. system, fund by reversing Tax cuts.
George Bush favors improving current system over government base system
SlagleRock thinks there needs to be more options for people of all walks of life. We owe it to Americans to ensure that they live LONG healthy lives.

Sue HMOs
John Kerry would allow people to sue HMOs.
George Bush would place limits on patient lawsuits against HMOs.
SlagleRock believes that lawsuits lead to increases in the cost of medical treatments, however Drs need to be held accountable for piss poor care.

Okay, so that is only about half of the issues. I have been very tied up with the new baby, and I had to work a couple of midnight shifts in the Armory. It's not a total comparison of the issues obviously, but it is many of the issues. If I find time or there is great enough demand I will finish the comparison.

Take a look at America Votes 2004 for the full details on the president and the idiot that is running against him.

Hope it answers many of your questions.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at August 25, 2004 01:40 AM

I see nothing wrong with your views. Polititians need to quit pandering to special interest groups and enviromentalist extremists and serve the needs of the entire population, and I don't mean welfare either, which is not the constitutional function of government. Once the politician treats one sector different than another that politician is corrupted and is further corruptable.

Posted by: Jack at August 25, 2004 08:17 AM

I'm glad you posted about the issues and where the candidates stand on them. It's good to know people actually look into something besides whether Kerry was singing 'White Christmas' in Cambodia 30 years ago. I'm fed up with who served where 30 years or so ago and how many people can affirm that they were actually there blah blah blah. I wish they'd move past all this bickering and get on to the real issues: homeland security, war on terror, economy, taxes.

Like the blog, by the way! I just started reading and have enjoyed each one, especially the comics!

Posted by: Amy at August 25, 2004 03:40 PM

You know,son. You should go back and read this entry. On most of the issues that you listed you either disagreed with both parties or leaned closer to agreeing with Kerry than you did with Bush.

Just an observation that I found interesting. At any rate , I feel this is one of your best entries. It shows you are staying informed.This would be an even greater country if more would follow your example.

As always.Love,Dad

Posted by: PappaSlagle at August 25, 2004 07:17 PM

PappaSlagle makes an interesting observation. If I were to break it down issue by issue, I might also agree with Kerry on more issues than I agree with Bush on (where I agree with either of them). However, not all issues are equal or get equal weight in my electoral calculus. For example, I tend to lean liberal on gay rights but gay rights will not be any kind of issue if we're discussing the proper jurisdiction of Sharia courts in Buffalo and Michigan four years from now.

I'll put it another way. I loathe Al Sharpton. I believe that the man should be in prison for the vile stunts he's pulled. His demagoguery has, literally, cost lives. However, if there was a massive planet-killing asteroid heading towards earth and Sharpton had the only reasonable anti-asteroid policy of those running for President, I'd be a blogger for Al.

Islamism is this generation's planet-killer and when it comes to dealing with that threat, the gap between Bush and Kerry eclipses whatever advantages Kerry may enjoy on other issues.

Posted by: Jheka at August 26, 2004 10:59 AM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 01:04 PM
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