SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

August 26, 2004

Other Issues (Where Do We Stand Part 2)

On the 25th I wrote a post titled Where Do We Stand about the Pres, the wannabe and the issues. I compared Kerry's and Bush's position on the issues with my own. I promised to finish so here we go. More of the issues at hand:

Home Land Security
Enemy Combatants
George Bush supports labeling U.S. citizens "enemy combatants"
John Kerry is against labeling U.S. citizens "enemy combatants" (ignorant son of a bitch)
SlagleRock says, I don't give a shit what nation a person claims to be a citizen of, if they act as a terrorist or other combatant then they clearly are "enemy combatants". Come on people 2+2 still equals four. Where is the issue here?

Patriot Act
George Bush supports the Patriot Act
John Kerry backs letting the Patriot Act expire without congressional approval (That's a good thing because if it required a vote Kerry would be absent)
SlagleRock thinks that some aspects of the Patriot Act need to be reworked, but in our modern world of around the world in less than 24 hours many of the provisions of the Patriot Act are necessary.

George Bush proposed increasing budget to enforce immigration laws.
John Kerry wants to speed immigration process; unite families; patrol borders.
SlagleRock thinks Kerry just said blah blah blah, let me cover all of the views. I agree that perhaps the process should be faster, but we need to focus on productive members of society. Just allowing someone to immigrate without reason does nothing but further strain our economy, one more mouth to feed.

Intelligence Agencies
George Bush thinks the Homeland Security Dept. should be the primary conduit of threat information.
John Kerry wants to reform domestic intelligence; start targeted alert system
SlagleRock tends to agree with both on this issue.

International Policy
George Bush authorized war to oust Saddam Hussein regime.
John Kerry supported the war; later said Bush misled nation. (You mean he waffled? No!)
SlagleRock believes that the US did the right thing in Iraq and Afghanistan regardless of what the public perceives the motivations to be.

I will have a few more of these posts as I find the time. I have been very busy at work and home with the new baby so I do what I can.

I realize that many of my views are similar to John F-ing Kerry, but what do you expect, my friends say I am a liberal-conservative. My views on many issues do best align with John Kerry, but unfortunately his lack of integrity costs him everything as far as this voter is concerned.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at August 26, 2004 07:15 PM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 01:04 PM
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