SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

September 30, 2004

Presidential Debate 30 Sep 04 Bush Wins

First, I am not going to pick this debate apart. I think the debate speaks for itself.

Having just watched the first presidential debate of this election year I feel that most Americans will see this debate as a victory for President Bush.

I believe that Bush appeared more presidential. Bush is stronger in his convictions and the fact that he does not Waffle makes him more credible.

I will concede that sKerry is a better public speaker. However, televangelists, matchstick men and flim flam artists are also great public speakers.

Kerry never really made his point clear. He started several statements by agreeing with the President and then countering every point the President made with disagreement.

There were some inaccuracies. I caught this one. sKerry made the statement that we have spent over 200 Billion dollars on the war in Iraq, yet the official number doesn't exceed 130 billion. Either way this is a large dollar amount, but I think he should have his facts straight especially if his intent is to dodge the debate and bash the President.

I'd like to offer this outline version of the debate:

Bush: "We must remain strong in our resolve."

Kerry: "Bush is a poo poo head."

Bush: "We cannot fail in the war on global terrorism, we will not fail."

Kerry: "Bush is a poo poo head."

Bush: "We will win the war on terror by supplying our troops with the right equipment and the right training."

Kerry: "Bush is a poo poo head."

You get the point.

Bush-Cheney '04


SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at September 30, 2004 07:58 PM

I was pleasantly surprised at the civility and adherence to the debate rules. Other than that, whoever it was who first said that the debates would change nobody's mind was spot-on.

Posted by: Indigo at September 30, 2004 08:56 PM

I mostly watched Navy beat Air Force, but I thought Rudy's comment about Kerry contradicting himself over Saddam is/is not a threat should be getting a lot more air time.

No one wins these things - you get what you look for. You can certainly LOSE one, though, and I think that point could do it to Kerry if it's brought out correctly.

Posted by: GOC in Winston Salem at October 1, 2004 04:12 AM

The debates didn't change my mind, then again I'm not riding the fence either, the global test that Kerry talks about is most telling as well as bilateral talks with N. Korea. To me this means we have to ask for and be granted permission from the U.N., Iran , North Korea and the IslamoFascist countries before we can protect our country and our interests. The bilateral talks only mean, what concessions will we give to North Korea for a quasi-peaceful truce that the U.S will be blackmailed itnto funding forever. My country's future is at stake as well as my family's future and their well being. John Kerry playing the game of Kings X isn't going to garner my vote - EVER.

Posted by: Jack at October 1, 2004 10:40 AM

I agree Jack. Hell no we don't want or need bilateral talks with Kim Dung Ill. That is precisely what started all this in N. Korea, get the nuke and use it to barter with the wealthy civilized nations of the world. Kerry would have us under the UN's thumb. I am not a United Nations Airman, I am a United States Airman and that's how I like it.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by: SlagleRock at October 1, 2004 11:50 AM

Before the debate Bush led Kerry by eights points on an AOL poll.After the debates Kerry led Bush by a marin of 46- 44 .Bush can't afford any more debates.

Let's vote the Son of a Bush out!!!!

Posted by: PappaSlagle at October 1, 2004 05:06 PM

PapaS...polls are crap anyway, the only one that counts is the polls on Nov. 2.
Terry McAuliffe asked faithfull members of the DNC to call and flood every polling agency/newspaper with praise for Kerry...One of the moonbats was do anxious to be first, she called in her praise of Kerry's debate performance to the Washington Post....4 HRS & 17 Min. before the debate began!
go here
Also, while I agree Kerry won on style points, You just might want to check out the lies/misdirections that Kerry tried to put out:right here
Read a transcript of the debate and I defy you to find ANYTHING of substance that Kerry brought to the table.

You are a veteran of the Viet Nam Era just as I am. General Guiap, leader of the NVN Army, credited Mr. Kerry as having been the single greatest inspiration to them with his testimony before Congress. THAT testimony was used as propaganda to Far Better men than he at the Hanoi Hilton to demoralize them.

Kerry was STILL in the active Naval Reserves when he met with the NVN in Paris-- He SHOULD be just 7 years out from serving his sentence under the UCMJ for giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war,AND meeting with the enemy while still being a service member.

Both groups that he was involved with 35 years ago, both his fellow veterans that served with him AND the members of the VVAW overwhelmingly consider him a self-serving turncoat. Pretty bad when such two diametrically opposed groups hold the same opinion, it should tell you the lack of character of the man.

YOUR son was in the battle zone when Mr. Kerry voted against the appropiations bill to fund the troops (that 87 B that he both voted for AND against?) JUST as he has voted AGAINST EVERY proposed new weapons systems in the last 20 years, and that were used to such good effect in the taking of Iran...
HE put YOUR son at greater risk, and you STILL want to drink the Kool-aid?!?

Mr. Kerry said, in effect, that the US has to pass a "Global Test" to defend herself. I suppose YOU would have wanted to have to get the UN's permision while you were in your son's shoes? I dun' theenk so Lucy!

We'll have to agree to disagree, when do ya want to go grab a beer and ogle some pretty women? F.E.T.E

Posted by: delftsman3 at October 3, 2004 02:17 AM

OH? and Papa? They keep saying Bush was AWOL from the guard. Bush has swon his records to disprove it.

Kerry had 3 years of ACTIVE Reserve obligation to perform...He NEVER attended a single Reserve Meeting...THATS why he won't sign his DD180 HE was the AWOL one.

Posted by: delftsman3 at October 3, 2004 02:22 AM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 12:54 PM
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