SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

November 01, 2004

Michael Moores Comments At The Slaughterhouse

Oh joy! Today I had a wannabe visit my site and comment as Michael Moore. The email provided with the comment was While I didn't bother to email that address I am quite sure that it is just some leftist looney who would love people to believe that Michael Moore actually read and commented on my silly little post about John Kerry's Bitch Wife.

Here is what "Michael Moore" had to say about my post:

First of all, let's just acknowledge what you already know: America is a country which still has a race problem, to put it nicely. Al Gore would be president today had thousands of African Americans not had their right to vote stolen from them in Florida in 2000. In Ohio, the Republicans are sending almost 2,000 paid "poll challengers" into the black precincts of Cleveland in an attempt to stop African Americans from voting. This action is beyond despicable. Do not let this stop you from voting. I, and thousand of others, will be there to fight for you and protect you.

To George W.:

I know it's gotta be rough for you right now. Hey, we've all been there. "You're fired" are two horrible words when put together in that order. Bin Laden surfacing this weekend to remind the American people of your total and complete failure to capture him was a cruel trick or treat. But there he was. 3,000 people were killed and he's laughing in your face. Why did you stop our Special Forces from going after him? Why did you forget about bin Laden on the DAY AFTER 9/11 and tell your terrorism czar to concentrate on Iraq instead?

There he was, OBL, all tan and rested and on videotape (hey, did you get the feeling that he had a bootleg of my movie? Are there DVD players in those caves in Afghanistan?)

Speaking of my movie -- can I ask you a personal question before we part ways for good on Tuesday? Why did you and your friends fund SIX "documentaries" trashing me -- but only ONE film against Kerry? C'mon, he was the candidate, not me. What a waste of your time and resources! Sure, I know what your pollsters told you, that the film had convinced some people to vote you out. I just want you to know that that was not my original intent. Funny things happen at the movies. Hope you get to see a few at the multiplex in Waco. It's a great way to relax.

Michael Moore

To "Michael Moore",

I know it's gotta be rough for you right now. All you leftist loons have been there. "You're a dumb ass" are four factual words when applied to you. Bin Laden surfacing this weekend to remind the American people of how inept Kerry is by supporting him is a total and complete failure for the Democratic Party. But there he was. 3,000 people were killed and he's supporting Kerry in the hopes he can kill 3,000 more. Why did Clinton turn down Sudans offer not once but three times to hand us Osama Bin Laden? Why do you focus your film making efforts on making Americans look bad when we pour billions of dollars into the well being of other nations?

There he was, OBL, on videotape and typical of the liberal media they didn't play the entire video including the part where OBL threatened any state that votes for Bush. Could this be that he fears our Incumbent and knows that Kerry would make us a soft target? As for your filth, if he did get a bootleg of your garbage "documentary" even OBL has the sense enough to know you are full of shit!

Speaking of your "movie" -- can I ask you a personal question before Bush gets re-elected on Tuesday? Why do you and your Hollywood friends further terrorist efforts by adding fuel to the fire? Why don't you just move to Canada and belittle and bemoan all things Canadian, at least they are your kind of people? (See Monument for Deserters)

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at November 1, 2004 04:16 PM

Michael Moore is a powerful emetic, even if he's a pseudo-Moore.

Posted by: Jack at November 1, 2004 06:31 PM

Hey, Mikey....

When they haul your lard ass off to a federal prison, on any charges they can think of, I hope you realize how richly you deserved it when six guys all named Bubba have you kneeling in the shower, gargling their foreskins.

Drop dead, fat maggot.

Posted by: weaselteeth at November 1, 2004 09:34 PM

I think you fail to notice something crucially essential in all this.

You mention what Bin Laden's video meant or did not mean and how he meant to help Kerry and so on. Forget that shit...The point is he is still alive and still planning to attack the US as soon as possible I am sure.

Where do all of the 55% of Americans who believe "the US is safer now than it was 4 years ago" come from?

Liberal Thinker

Posted by: Liberal thinker at November 2, 2004 06:03 PM

Liberal Thinker,

It is true that Bin Ladin is still alive. Had Slick Willy accepted when Sudan offered his head on a silver platter not once, but thrice we wouldn't have had 9/11 and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Also what most of the "I hate Bush" crowd chooses not to acknowledge is that while Al Qaeda has been able to attack other countries we have been without attack for more than 3 years.

President Bush and his administration have kept us safe since 9/11 and had Clit-on done more during his administration the Republicans wouldn't have to clean up after the Dems.

Throughout history it has been the Dems that start wars and Repubs that finish them.

It's a sad fact, but a fact nonetheless.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by: SlagleRock at November 4, 2004 11:31 AM

And I Guess Michael Moore now considers himself President. Yeah and Dewey defeated Truman. What else will he say to get on the news? I wonder if Moore considers that the world began the day he was born and will end when he dies. What a big mouthed dweeb!!

Posted by: golden phoenix at November 8, 2004 06:47 AM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 01:59 PM
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