SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

November 04, 2004

V-US Day + 2

It has been two days now since the election and roughly twenty four hours since John Kerry conceded, since then I have seen, heard and learned much.

First, President Bush won this election with the largest popular vote in history. That says two things to me: One, he is supported by the American people and two, John Kerry couldn't hide the truth.

Second, more than 3/4 of the country feel like the President won reelection fairly. What that says is that 1/4 of this country is either hard line (bitter) democrats or conspiracy theorists. I expected GW to win, but I was surprised by his powerful poplar vote results.

Third, while Kerry was able to bow out with style and grace his party is not capable.


Kerry conceded with style and grace. He came across very presidential in his speech and manned up (for a change), yet the extremists within the party just keep finding things to whine about.

Kerry, "we can't win." Remember that? He said that during his speech after he called President Bush to concede. The man himself acknowledged his loss, so lets move on America. Support your President, your troops, family, friends and neighbors.


Posted by SlagleRock at November 4, 2004 07:57 AM

Thank God in Heaven we won't have another Carter administration!

Posted by: Chase at November 4, 2004 04:07 PM

AH ha! Thank you for posting the "Democratic Seal" I used it several years ago during the Bush/Gore fiasco to make a poster, but I've since lost the image on my computer. What unexpected luck! :)

Also, I think you might find this image quite amusing.

Sweeping generalizations are part of what make sore loser democrats so great huh? If thats true, I must say I live in the the United States of Canada now. bah.

Posted by: USAFReservist at November 4, 2004 04:20 PM

All I have to say is that Bush missed his true calling.He should have been a salesman.He could sell a motorcycle to a quadripelegic.

Posted by: PappaSlagle at November 4, 2004 06:03 PM

Or Jeri-Curls in Greenwood?

Posted by: Mamamontezz at November 4, 2004 10:42 PM

Well, Papa, I don't know about a Quadraplegic, but I DO know a Paraplegic who's looking to replace his old ride for a newer model....think I should direct him to the White House?

Posted by: delftsman3 at November 4, 2004 11:51 PM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 02:00 PM
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