SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

November 04, 2004

Exit Polls Show Which Kind Of People Vote For Which Type Of Candidate

If you haven't looked at the voting statistics compiled via the exit polls you need to. Take a look at USA

Here are some examples of the statistics that reflect the candidates.


How well educated were the people who voted for each candidate.

The majority of High School DROP OUTS who voted, voted for Kerry.

Those with a high school diploma, some college or a college degree voted for Bush.

Those people who were married voted Bush, while unwed mothers voted for Kerry. (What Dems looking for a hand out, NO can't be!?!)

Those people who felt that morals were one of the main issue of the election voted for Bush.

So what do we gather from these statistics? The ideal Kerry supporter is:

A) Uneducated
B) Immoral
C) Unwed
D) Likely looking for a hand out

You decide.

Follow the link and look at all the statistics. Are you comfortable voting with the particular crowd that voted for your candidate?

One more statistic. All age groups over 30 voted for GW while it was only the 17-30 year olds that voted Kerry. Could it be that the youth of America is far more gullible than the educated and those who have had to live through lifes hard knocks?

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at November 4, 2004 05:03 PM

I have a Business degree,I'm a married male and I've never taken an handout from anyone.I'm 53 years olds and have worked a steady job since the age of 14.I also proudly cast my vote for John Kerry.I consider myself to be of moral character and that is just one of the reasons that I wouldn't vote for Bush.

Posted by: PappaSlagle at November 4, 2004 05:59 PM


You are a statistical anomaly.

39% or 960,899 of those Hoosiers who elected to vote chose John Kerry. That pales in comparison to the 60% or 1,474,475 that voted for Bush. Nearly double what voted for Kerry. What is the population of Indianapolis, and which east side inner city address did most of those people reside and cast their ballots?

To his credit, I am sure that thousands of people with a higher education and strong moral values voted for Kerry as well. As I am equally sure that some crack whore, pimp or felon (that just never got caught) voted for Bush, but the statistics show that generally speaking those that voted for Bush were of a finer caliber.

If you look at the a map of the United States and of the electoral votes given by each you can't help but notice that the only real electoral contributors to the Kerry effort are the states with the largest slums such as NY/NY, LA/CA, Chicago/IL etc. If it weren't for the worst cities in America John Kerry wouldn't have even appeared to be in the running for a brief moment.

I was merely pointing out the facts, not pointing fingers.

At least you can say you did vote. On 3 Nov think of all of the people that wish they had voted (one way or the other)

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by: SlagleRock at November 4, 2004 06:41 PM

You DO have a high moral character Papa, and one of the greatest work ethics of anyone I know. Like Rob said, it was just the general facts he was pointing out, not individual anomilies.

I think that it's just hard for me to understand how you could consider a traitor as having a "high moral standard."

The Anti-Bush attitude I can understand,coming from a Union/social liberal background, I don't agree with it, but I can understand it.

I talked to Pieter last night, and if you think YOU hate Bush, you'll have to settle for second place...He got so mad at me that he hung up the phone LOL. He was blaming Bush for his property taxes going up...he was a little peeved when I pointed out that property taxes were a State issue, and they had gone up because of a (DEMOCRATIC)activist judge had ordered a re-assesment and the State government(also Democratic) had F***ked up in the process of the re-assesment.

Anyway, the decision had been made by the majority of the people, it's over untill 2008, and we'll find out then if a mistake was made or not, for now, let your heart not be troubled and let us all work together for a common good.

The time for politics is over, let's go get a beer,shoot some pool, and ogle some pretty wimmin!

Posted by: delftsman3 at November 4, 2004 11:45 PM

Slagle Rock,

Just like every republican out there, I just love the way you manage to pull statistics that feed your agenda and shove them down our throats.

It so happens I looked at the national exit polls also and I was surprised at my findings. Here are statistics I found:

-Of people who voted for the intelligence of the candidate, 91% voted for Kerry
-Of those who voted for religious issues, 91% chose Bush
-Of those worried by terrorism, 86% chose Bush.

And you mentioned statistics of higher educated people voting for Bush.
Funny how you "failed" to mention that the most educated of all, those with post grad degrees (which includes as you well know all Masters degrees, MBA's, doctors, university professors etc....basically la creme de la creme of the society) 55% voted for Kerry and that percentage is the highest of any other educational/vote/seperation.
Basically the smartest people in the US voted by the highest margin for Kerry! Why didn't you mention that?

So by my rationale, I guess it's fair to say that someone who votes for Bush is:
1. Paranoid and fearful
2. Un-intelligent
3. Religious freak

BS you say, well that's my interpretation of the statistics and yours is yours.

As far as the whole morality thing goes. This in itself is a very long philosophical discussion but what defines morality? I would have to suppose that most people who said they voted for Bush for moral reasons probably had a strong religious background. So there view of morality is religious based. If I remember you are not overly religious so I suppose you would agree with this. Furthermore, morality is defined by a society itself and really doesn't mean anything outside of it. For example, those fanatical Muslims who have no problem killing a man if he speaks against Allah consider themselves very, very moral and the rest of us not. So there sense of morality is wrong to us but right to them. What I'm getting at is you really can not use the argument of morality with Bush and Kerry to define one as better than the other because our views of morality are tainted by our religious/social/ethnic backgrounds.

I myself am not religious at all but have a profound sense of respect for this earth, the people and animals on it and nature. I guess by environmental/impact/religious freedom/tolerance I am very moral person and spread a whole lot more peace and "love your brother" around me than the average Christian who lives in "Sin" his whole life. Yet I consider Bush very immoral. Again, that's my view.

Furthermore from North of the border I have a question for you. Considering you are in the military, can you please explain to me why all military people are so against Kerry and call him a traitor. There are two indusputable things you can't deny.
1. Kerry went to war in Vietnam and saw combat. (I don't care what documentaries say or don't say), the fact is he did go to war.
2. Bush did not. In fact, 95% sure his dad and family influence got him a position in the National Guard.

In face of that, a vet and someone who did not go to war. How can you possibly all stick behind the coward?

And finally, I know the Anti-Moore sentiment is very strong in this blog but I would like to ask as anyone seen Fahrenheit 911 or is this hatred simply propagande/right wing/Rush Limbaugh induced? Seriously, I challenge anyone to see the movie. Yes it is emotionally charged and definetly left crowd oriented but Moore does not for one second speak badly about the troops and the job they are doing there. What's very disturbing and what he points out with video evidence is the relationship between the Saudi's and Ben Laden's and the Bush family. Think about it, Bush gets $400,000 per year as a President. He's made millions and millions of dollars through his affiliation with the Ben Laden's. Wake up people, this is not fiction! It's true and you can see it in the movie, you can read on the internet factual line-by-line backup and a book with the whole backup of the movie is coming out.
Put it this way, if there was a lie in the movie, the Bush Administration would have sued Moore's pants off by now. It's impossible, stupid and narrow-minded to speak and feel such hatred towards something we don't know. In fact, I would be willing to trade with Slagle Rock. If he sees the movie, I'll watch one anti-Kerry movie like "Up the River" or whatever it is called. I'm open to the other side. I'm not asking anyone to change their views, but this refusal to consider anything that isn't within your prescribed little window of beliefs is disgusting.

Liberal Thinker

P.S. Would every republican please oh please stop correlating the left and the democrats with Communists? Seriously, you guys are pathetic and it shows complete uneducation on the issues. I am way to the left socially but i am in no way a communist. I hate communism!! It doesn't make sense. Just understand you can have a more left society that functions very well with capitalism as a backbone (ex: Sweden, Norway and most European countries). I know, I know, your first thought is: "Yeah well, we can bomb the sh*t out of them at any point and they can't fight back those sissy..lefties". I guess that's where i stop arguing and shake my head...

Posted by: Liberal Thinker at November 5, 2004 12:54 PM

1. Kerry went to war in Vietnam and saw combat. (I don't care what documentaries say or don't say), the fact is he did go to war.
2. Bush did not. In fact, 95% sure his dad and family influence got him a position in the National Guard.

This meme is getting tired...Kerry went to Viet Nam IN SPITE of himself...He joined the Naval RESERVE when he was refused a deferment, and it was his bad luck that his unit was activated.
In VN, he volunteered for the (relitively) safest duty availible, coastal interdiction, and again, it was his bad luck that the Swift Boats were switched from green water duties to brown water, which was much more hazardous. So Kerry was a "war hero" in SPITE of every action he took to avoid it. He still served, and should be commended for that.
When Kerry returned, he betrayed all of his fellow veterans by his actions with the VVAW and by meeting twice with the enemy in Paris, while STILL being a mermber of the N Reserve, under the UCMJ, THAT makes him a traitor.

Bush spent 6 years in the reserve, flying one of the most dangerous planes ever put in the inventory. Funny way to try to escape war service...become a pilot of a fighter/interdictor plane.
As for family influence getting into the TAG, there has never been a shred of proof of that, and IF so; SO WHAT? He still served, when many fled to Canada. He also volunteered for duty in VN, but was turned down due to the reason that he didn't have enough flying hours in to qualify for the program.

As to intelligence, Kerry came out of Harvard with a C average and never took a graduate degree, Bush had a mediocre average with his undergraduate degree at Harvard too, but went on to attain an MBA from Yale, so by YOUR OWN reasoning, Bush is higher in the "creme de la creme" than Kerry and thus more intelligent.

Posted by: delftsman3 at November 5, 2004 07:59 PM

Liberal Thinker,

I'd like to start by saying this. I eat up enough bandwidth with my own commentary, babble and pictures etc. I don't need individual comments that cause my other readers a hard time of loading the page. In the future I would appreciate it if you didn’t blog on my site. The comment section is for comments not your own personal novella.

I value your opinion (believe it or not) and look forward to reading what you have to say.

I will take issue with only two things.


I do realize that those with the highest levels of education (MA and above) voted for Kerry by 55%, I also know that those people are a vast minority. The bulk of America's educated (which does represent large numbers) being those people with some college to a college degree voted for Bush.

I have a degree in criminal justice and I am working on a BA in history. Uneducated? I think not, not this Bush supporter.

Second, as for which facts I choose to comment on, what did you expect this is my blog. Those statistics were simply to demonstrate the point that the BULK of America's educated voted for Bush.

To be perfectly honest with you none of this matters because our PRESIDENT, George W. Bush, was re-elected with THE LARGEST POPULAR VOTE IN HISTORY!!

Either way we as Americans have an obligation to support our Democratically elected President.

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by: SlagleRock at November 5, 2004 08:31 PM

Very nice comments you guys have here, congratulations and thanks to allowing my post...

Posted by: Phendimetrazine at April 15, 2005 02:00 PM
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