Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his. -- General George S. Patton
January 20, 2005Someone In The Main Stream Media Finally Gets ItPillorying the Army will not help right to triumph in Iraq The UK Telegraph makes a great point about the medias twisting of the facts and efforts to undermine the efforts in Iraq: The reaction of Arab commentators is relatively easy to explain. Opportunities to occupy the high moral ground are rare and, when they come along, they jump on them. Just like in our own media, with Abu Ghraib, the actions of a few are supposed to reflect on the behavior of our entire military. This is clearly not so. The seven Army Reservists involved in the Abu Ghraib "scandal" are not a clear representation of our military. The actions of those 7 do not speak for the near millions of men an women in uniform. It is time for the media, which is supposed to be an unbiased outlet for information, to step up to the plate and print a balance of information. Yes, things like Abu Ghraib are terrible, but what about the hundreds of thousands of us who have been rotated through Iraq and Afghanistan more than once and served with honor and integrity? We need to hear of more school openings, and commerce and the elections. More stories of the Iraqi appreciation and less of the focus on the rogue few who fight against the coalition. Major news outlets need to not only step up but grow up, show your support for our troops and maybe just maybe a hint of patriotism. SlagleRock Out! Comments
It would be nice to see how the media would handle situations if they were beyong the afforded protection umbrella of the militaries of the U.S and it's Allies. Strictly having to rely on the neutrality of the press agencies or their own privately funded security forces.The press is there to make a profit and as such we should not be providing for their security. How are they then to report the 'atrocities' committed by themselves or their security details when it comes down to kill or be killed or kill or be tortured and killed. The sobering truth of war and the unbridled ruthlessness of the terrorist might lead some to think differently. Posted by: Jack at January 20, 2005 03:59 PMPost a comment