SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

January 20, 2005

Mock Coffins And Anti War Chants As Bush Sworn In

Demonstration Coffins.jpg

A demonstrator stands beside coffins draped with American flags as part of a protest to memorialize American soldiers who have died in the war with Iraq (news - web sites) at Washington's Malcolm X Park, January 20, 2005. Flag-draped coffins and anti-war chants competed with pomp and circumstance on Thursday at the inauguration of President Bush (news - web sites) along the snow-dusted, barricaded streets of central Washington. Photo by Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

Mock Coffins and Anti-War Chants as Bush Sworn In

"Right wing scum, your time has come," read a banner at a march of about 200 anarchists heading toward Pennsylvania Avenue, where the inaugural parade was scheduled in the afternoon.

Why even acknowledge these people in the Main Stream Media? Why give them the publicity that they are seeking? 200 Anarchist hardly reflect public opinion.

Just rediculous.

SlagleRock Out!

Update: Murdock at Blogging At 20,000 Feet weighs in on the demonstration

Posted by SlagleRock at January 20, 2005 12:48 PM

The key here is the media, that is the side they seek, favor and promote.

Posted by: Jack at January 20, 2005 03:30 PM

You know, what REALLY gets me is that the Left is decrying that "their voice can't be heard", and yet they were given a section of bleachers on the parade route to demonstrate in. And as evidenced by the pics in the post, the MSM was sure able to get the voicings of their displeasure out.

Posted by: delftsman3 at January 21, 2005 03:50 PM

About that the bleachers were for the Outdated and Authoritarian, ANSWER Coalition. I make my voice heard I am not one of the "Left" or a "Liberal" and I detest to Communism, I am a non violent Anarchist a true anarchist one who does not throw bricks or get into fist fights. I want the end to Greed Opression Hatred War Violence and you can't get that without a Direct Democracy of all people, We need to dismantle capitalism and figure out how to live like humans! Oh and about the J20 Demo there were more Anarchists the people from Malcom X Park met up with more anarchists in Logan Circle (and we got there 5 minutes early) Also if you were there you would have wanted the world to see what happened. The cops started by taking our signs and hitting us with them so a few people started throwing snow and then they blasted us with industrial strength milatary grade Pepper Spray after they hit us with our signs that they stole from us! Maybe all of you need to open your minds and free it of ignorance

Posted by: Bob at March 18, 2005 05:47 PM
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