SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

January 21, 2005

Conservative Punk...

Is that an oxymoron? Absolutely not. Some of you may have noticed a small button in my gutter (though hard to read it is the white one with the gold star) to the Conservative Punk website. That button has been in my gutter since I started my site in April of last year. There is a reason that they get such a button.

As of January 31, 2004, officially launches. The site has been created to educate, inform and increase the little known demographic of the Conservative Punk. This is not C-SPAN meets MTV; this site boasts conservatives from well-known artist Michale Graves of Gotham Road and former lead singer of the Misfits, to conservative talk show host and former rock jock Andrew Wilkow, to the average person on the street.

This site has been created to counteract the multiple liberal punk sites on the web, which are run by only a small number of punk artists who are choosing to make up the minds of thousands of voters. will finally allow conservatives who have decided to keep their punk ideals alive a place to air their thoughts on government, liberal counterparts and music. It is being released this year to help inform America's youth about the upcoming election and let them make up their own minds, rather than push liberal sentiment down their throats. Nick Rizzuto, the founder of hopes that this site will energize and excite young people to come to their own conclusions and hopefully register to vote this year. He hopes to inform young people of more conservative ideals and hopes that they will be unafraid to say that they are a "conservative punk".

Since 1992, multiple outlets for America's youth have tried to get them more involved in politics and in voting; the only similarity between all of these channels is that they support left wing ideals. is hoping not to change this trend, but to give today's young people a way to view politics from a different perspective.

About Conservative Punk:

A Statement of our Mission

At Conservative punk, our mission is threefold: To inform today's youth that identify themselves with the punk scene with the facts, rather than rumor and conspiracy theory. To encourage today's youth to register to vote and become engaged in politics. To encourage youth voters to draw their own conclusions rather than indoctrinate them into a certain way of thinking. Punk music has been, and still is, one of the most heavy-handed genres of music there is. Unfortunately the topics of such heavy-handed songs are almost always seeped in left wing propaganda, bumper sticker rallying calls and oversimplifications of otherwise complex topics. Unfortunately the websites established by such bands to further their political views don't offer much more by way of information and truth than the music does. We at conservative punk mean to be the foil to this trend. We plan on filling in the gaps. We will offer our own views while still urging young punks to search for their own conclusions. Hopefully in doing so we will energize and excite young people enough to become engaged in politics and exercise their power at the ballot box.

Conservative Punk is a very interesting website and is hosted by some very intelligent people.

Whether you are a left wing loon who is curious to see what a right wing punk web site is all about, or you are a punk fan who is intrigued by the idea of a Conservative Punk click the banner below and take a look around. It is a great site for information and up to date point of views on world politics.

Click on the banner below and check out their site!

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at January 21, 2005 09:55 AM

While I'm not into punk it's nice to see that not all of them think like the two punk rockers I worked with for 3 years. Both were ardent Marxists, that in itself is enough to turn me against punk, the irony was that neither would cross that chasm for a peek at the other side. I have bookmarked the site to visit again, and might add it to my gutter. I like the depiction of the Byrd too. Thanks for the link.

Posted by: Jack at January 22, 2005 10:25 AM
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