SlagleRock's Slaughterhouse
Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his.
-- General George S. Patton

February 05, 2005

A New Low (Even For Terrorists)

Terrorists used a kidnapped Down Syndrome child to "suicide" bomb a polling booth in Baghdad. This wasn't a suicide bombing it was a murder bombing. First they kidnapped a child with special needs (to put it mildly) strapped a bomb to him and tried to make him walk into a polling station so they could detinate him.

From Iraq The Model:

Eye witnesses said (and I'm quoting one of my colleagues; a dentist who lives there) "the poor victim was so scared when ordered to walk to the searching point and began to walk back to the terrorists. In response the criminals pressed the button and blew up the poor victim almost half way between their position and the voting center's entrance".

This is just disgusting (understatement). So now they are resorting to forcing those who do not posess all of their mental faculties to do their dirty work for them. And look at the quote, "the poor victim was so scared when ordered to walk to the searching point and began to walk back to the terrorists." Even this person plagued by Downs had more sense than the terrorist.

Well, left, start the apologies for this one. How can you justify this one and defend the terrorist in your sick way?

H/T to Right Wing Rocker And Emigre With A Digital Cluebat

SlagleRock Out!

Posted by SlagleRock at February 5, 2005 08:30 AM

Truely the bottom of the pit, this act might stir the emotions of the Iraqi people to overthrow the slime amongst them.

Posted by: Jack at February 5, 2005 12:05 PM

This is truly disgusting.I'm not the least bit surprised.These kind of things have happened throughout history.In Viet Nam,as well as Korea,innocent children and the elderly were sent to certain death by the same type of people.Look at what the Nazis did to innocent people.The Russians committed arocities against their own people.Unfortunately,we have people just as sick and twisted right here in the United States.

These animals need to be hunted down and destroyed.When a dog bites someone the first thing people cry for is that it be put to sleep.A dumb animal that has no concept of right or wrong,doing what comes naturally to it.These slimeballs are far worse than a biting dog.They need to be exterminated!!

Posted by: PappaSlagle at February 5, 2005 12:58 PM
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