Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his. -- General George S. Patton
January 22, 2006January BirthdaysJanuary is an important month. Not only is it the month of Presidential Inaugurations and the first month of each new calendar year it is also the month my Father and little brother were born. January 20, January 13, 1984 TheMiddleSlagle was born! Happy Birthday Bro!
Thanks for the Birthday greeting,Rob.Could you please let everyone know that it was a typo.That you meant 1953 and not 1053? I already feel old enough!! LOL!!! Posted by: PappaSlagle at January 24, 2006 06:34 PMThat's hysterical. What a typo! If you really are 953 years old you look great for your age! I'll fix that. Love you! SlagleRock Out! Posted by: SlagleRock at January 24, 2006 09:13 PMPost a comment