Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his. -- General George S. Patton
February 12, 2006The Liar, The Witch And The WarmongerOk, so it has been nearly a month since I posted. Not that I didn't have anything to say, but I wanted to pay homage to two brave warriors who paid the ultimate price for their country. That aside there are a few things I felt the need to point out but wanted to wait until an adequate amount of time had passed to remember the heroes found in the post below. First as of January 30, 2006 a full year has passed since the Liar John Kerry promised to sign the Form 180 to release the details of his full military record. ![]() Delftsman posted on this back on 25 Jan (which he borrowed from Wild Thing). Damn Dirty Hillary Clit-on, the Witch. Lately I have heard quite a bit of scuttlebutt about the liberal demon bitch Hillary running for President on the Democratic ticket next go around. I will tell you now, if that CUNT gets elected, not only will I get the hell out of the military I will move to Canada. A nation full of liberal idiots would be easier to deal with than one run by the ultimate in Liberal scum. Now, the Warmonger, many call President Bush a warmonger. They cry that he likes war and is ruining this country. You know what, my power is still on. I still have all of the freedoms promised me by the constitution of the United States and ours is one of if not the strongest government/economies on Earth. It wouldn’t appear to me that our way of life is in jeopardy or that we are about to lose any of our major freedoms (before the moonbats point out the patriot act, if you aren’t doing anything wrong, you don’t have anything to hide so get over it!). 23 days ago a full year has passed since G.W. was re-elected for his second term. That is a full year since most of the lunatics on the left swore that the draft was coming... So that is my take on the Liar, the Liberal and the Warmonger. (I know, a corny take on the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.) That's all for now folks. Stay real to your beliefs, faithful to your God, Country and Families.
OT, Very much so! First, my apologies for having to contact you this way. I couldn't find an e-mail addy to use. My original blog, Valgerd's Stead, had to be moved. Apparently my posting of truths gave someone or someones a fit, and my blogzy account would no longer allow posts to be made. Thus, I've had to open Valgerd's Hearth over on blogspot. The one consolation is that I must have been right on target or the excess umbrage would not have shown. Keep up the good fight! Thank you for continuing to serve our country despite all the LLLemmings out there yearning to do the lemming thing. To add to that old Latin cliche, "Don't let the bastards, loony liberals, and liars wear you down". Posted by: Valgerd at February 15, 2006 02:28 AMThank you for the link. Posted by: Wild Thing at February 17, 2006 09:32 PMPost a comment