Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his. -- General George S. Patton
February 16, 2006Quail Or Car Crash?In light of all the noise about the Cheney hunting incident I thought I'd share a little humor. This was sent to me in an email, it is a suggestion for a new bumper sticker: I'd rather go hunting with Dick Chaney than ride in a car with Ted Kennedy To tell the truth, I wouldn't want to do either but it is still funny. That and if I had to pick the lesser of two evils I would most definitely have it known that I'd associate with Dick Cheney than that SOB Ted Kennedy.
Me too, I would also have a shotgun. Posted by: Catfish at February 26, 2006 12:09 AMSince I was an ignorant troll who could not stay on subject my comments have been deleted and I have been banned from this site. You see EV, that is the difference between you and real patriots, we are willing to take that risk and do what we can with what we have to secure not only our borders but freedom around the world. If people like you put half as much effort into fighting for freedom instead of belittling those who do we wouldn't be in Iraq, because nations like those would never feel as though they could challenge us. It is the dissenter and the liberal who embolden the dirt bags of the world. It is the patriot who has to fight the physical battle against the dirt bags and the mental battle against people like you. We shouldn’t have to expend mental energy on people like you, unless it is to train you to fight for what you believe instead of just bitching about it. SlagleRock Out! Since I was an ignorant troll who could not stay on subject my comments have been deleted and I have been banned from this site. Ev,I was going to respond to your comments.I don't agree with our involvement in Iraq.Nor do I agree with this Presidents' politics.That is as far as it goes.If you don't support our troops,it is my opinion that you are both a coward and a traitor. If it will make you feel good about yourself,you may respond to my comments any way you choose.I could really care less.Only you truly know if your are a dirtbag or if you are just yanking chains. Yes,I am a veteran and if you have a problem with that then it is just to damn bad! Posted by: PappaSlagle at March 11, 2006 09:11 PMSince I was an ignorant troll who could not stay on subject my comments have been deleted and I have been banned from this site. EV, I see you have met my Father, so to speak. No you are right, he "doesn't drink the Kool-Aid" nor do I. I may have strong patriotic roots but that doesn't mean that I agree with everything the President says and does. SlagleRock Out! Posted by: SlagleRock at March 12, 2006 10:07 AMSince I was an ignorant troll who could not stay on subject my comments have been deleted and I have been banned from this site. All I'll say in response to this if you are remotely trying to imply that I am guilty of anything other than dedicating my life to protecting your pathetic ass so that you can breathe my oxygen you are treading on very thin ice. I really don’t want to ban you from my site as I welcome all points of view (AS LONG AS THEY STAY ON SUBJECT) I would never do anything immoral or illegal. I took an oath to "support and defend the constitution of the United States" and follow the orders of "the officers appointed over me" this includes congress and the president. In the future when trying to place blame on the attacks of September 11th please remember that it was blatant failure on the part of the Clinton Administration that allowed that terrible day in our history to occur. Attacks as elaborate as Sept 11th weren't organized and executed in the short 8 months that Bush was President. An attack of that magnitude not only took wealth of money but wealth of time and planning. Also, since you want to talk about draft dodging during Vietnam where was slick Willy? In the future let’s confine our comments to the post at hand. Thanks SlagleRock Out! Since I was an ignorant troll who could not stay on subject my comments have been deleted and I have been banned from this site. EV, I had too much to say, so I elected to turn my response into a post. See the most recent post dated 16 March 06. SlagleRock Out! Posted by: SlagleRock at March 16, 2006 08:05 PMSince I was an ignorant troll who could not stay on subject my comments have been deleted and I have been banned from this site. Post a comment