Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his. -- General George S. Patton
March 01, 2006Finally!!!Man oh man, does it ever seem like we (Air Force) have to wait forever for our promotions. I found out 9 months ago that I was selected for promotion to E-6/Technical Sergeant. I finally sewed it on today! I know I haven't been posting as frequently as I'd like, but what can you do?!? My girlfriend always encourages me to write, but I don't always have time. Anyway, I just thought I'd let my readers know I am still alive and kickin' and that I got promoted! Thanks again to all the regulars and keep checking in, don't forget about my little old blog site!
Woohoo! Posted by: Russ at February 28, 2006 08:58 PMGood on you. It took me 15, yes 15, years to put on that damn stripe. Congrats. Posted by: Theresa, MSgt, USAF (ret) at March 1, 2006 07:40 AMCongratulations!!! I am so happy for you and proud of you! Congratulations Rob, maybe now you'll get paid for what you've been doing all along. Hope to see more of you on the sphere. :) Posted by: Jack at March 1, 2006 02:53 PMI've already given Tsgt.SlagleRock my congrats,but I still feel the need to write.Just to let his readers know how proud I am of him.As an ex Airman and ex Security police,it just doesn't get any better than this.Hell,I think my own head gets bigger with each promotion that he gets. I salute you Tsgt.Slagle.Keep up the good work. As always Love,Dad Posted by: PappaSlagle at March 1, 2006 05:12 PMIt's about damn time you posted something! ;) I know I've told you a million times but… I'm so proud of you for everything that you have accomplished. Every day you amaze me more and more! Congrats again baby! I love you!!! ;) Posted by: Rachel at March 2, 2006 03:15 PMHand Salute Sir and Congratulations!!! Posted by: LindaSoG at March 4, 2006 05:47 PMThat's the hard one, so now on and up. Retired E-8. Posted by: scrapiron at March 4, 2006 06:56 PMDitto what Scrapiron said. That one's GOT to be the hardest. If your ducks are lined up, E-7 should come in another testing cycle. E-8 a couple after that and Chief a couple after THAT. Congrats. Retired Chief Posted by: vilmar at March 4, 2006 07:05 PMCONGRATS on making it "official" - from talking to other (former) USAF types, it sounds like E6 is tough to make as E7 (CPO) is in the Navy. Keep up the good work! (Ret'd CPO sends) Posted by: RadioActive Chief at March 4, 2006 09:56 PMCongratulations!!! and keep lisening to that Girlfriend of yours... Good Job! Keep it up! Posted by: Blunt at March 6, 2006 12:17 PMConrats Brother! Hopefully I'll be next! Posted by: Tarzan at March 9, 2006 04:26 PMPost a comment